So far I’m up to 5 classes left to fill in
- SignedPublicKey
- Server
- Keys
- AuditInputStream
- ScriptOutputStream
They are closely coupled in the package. The main reason for defining a new SignedPublicKey class is that the current CA system doesn’t have sufficient flexibility for the project. The situation with tunnel proxies has yet to be decided. At present the reverse proxy tunnel over a firewall ia based on overiding DNS at the firewall, to route inwards and not having the self as the IP for the host address. Proxy rights will of course be certificate based, and client to client link layer specific.
UPDATE: Server has been completed, and now the focus is on SignedPublicKey for the load/save file access restrictions. The sign8ng process also has to be worked out to allow easy use. There is also some consideration for a second layer of encryption over proxy connection links, and some decisions to be made on the server script style.
The next idea would be a client specific protocol. So instead of server addresses, there would be a client based protocol addressing string. is a server domain based address. This perhaps needs extending.