It looks so simple and efficient. I think git is missing but a simple Total Commander copy into a backed-up directory should be fine for now. It has the basics of Java SE and even can build android GUI apps. I think I’ll keep things console for now and put together some tools to do things I would like to do.
Seems to run a static main just fine. I wonder how it does with arm system libraries and JNI native calls. I don’t think I’ll use much of that, but it might get useful at some point. The code interface is ok, it’s quite lightweight and so does not fill the storage too much. Quite good for a simple editor with code completion and a simple class creation tool. Should do the job.
I think the most irritation will be the need to insert the method names to then do the top-down coding. Kind of obvious, as you can’t autocomplete an identifier without it being typed in the class anyway. But that’s ok as I’d be defining an expected class “interface” anyhow, and I’m not prone to worry too much about as yet unimplemented methods.