
“Azgaz. Propane and protein suppliers. Beans and ‘as beens for beings plus gas. … This has to be the best winter supply name.”

“Could later expand into biodigester funerals, propane tank cold boxes, efficient air Peltier blower rings, eggs and a coffee shop library warm room.”

I don’t think it’s as daft as it sounds. Basic base staple and maybe some quality brown wholemeal seedy bread. Perhaps with a carbohydrate warning. I suppose the funniest part of the vision dream was the “Posh beenegi”. Not so much the content, but the price list in LED, and a rolling supply demand accounting for running the cooking and service. Not your basic beans just run at supply cost and the miracle of prophetic markup weekly spot pricing.

You don’t know what was on the time since cum joke laugher discount line.

Looks like some kind of summer supplies line is needed. Onto thoughts of efficient freeze-dry desalination. So pressure in the hot tank is lower than in the cold tank. So the dual hydraulic opposed piston is balanced on an escapement of area. The compression hot end is routed through the hot tank, and vice-versa for transfer of heat by the oscillation of the escapement.

The final complexity is the salt accumulation in the hot tank. Some kind of screw extraction for the sale of “complete dried salt”. Likely requires some desalinate, clean cycle. So salt and distilled water? Or should that be remineralized water? I wonder how the “pump end inversion” with “routing to the other tank” affects efficiency? The S-balanced escapement could be thrown by a solar power linear actuator and some simple control electrics. With the sides of the tanks, it might look like a posh $ sign.

Future Prediction by AI

So given that the future estimation could be trained on data from a delayed assumption state from the past prediction of the present, then what is missing? The missing seems to be based on the time factorization process NP problem and innovation stimulus which would cover things that are unknown within the net as well as time relevance which was not compensated for (the delay has an opportunity to sample lesser pasts for greater present prediction but produces nearer futures without doing Monte Carlo assumptions for a spread).

A subnet could be trained to do the estimations of the best assumption for such a predictive engine, leading to a trainability for an expected spread entropy (a situational requirement of MUST and or ANY as GOOD) given a similarity measure of an output of training to a random network spread RND classifier. is an interview with an author on an interesting paper about AI exploration. This covers the RND idea in a use case. Training a post RND latent space map to merge lingual or other equivalent factorizations of the novelty could be part of this.

The reevaluation of situational state novelty then can become a post addition of a trained residual based on the expected future estimation and the purpose to which the predicted estimator is to be put. Imagine on a stage pretending or on a real battlefield. The eventual motor actions of production to have for benefit?

Proof of Topological Work

A cryptocoin mining strategy designed to reduce power consumption. The work is divided into tiny bits of work with bits of stall caused by data access congestion. The extensive nature of solutions and the variance of solution time reduce conflict as opposed to a single hash function solve. As joining a fork increases splitting of share focuses the tree spread into a chain this has to be considered. As the pull request ordering tokens can expire until a pull request is logged with a solution, this means pull request tokens have to be requested at intervals and also after expiry while any solution would need a valid pull request token to be included in the pull request such that the first solution on a time interval can invalidate later pull requests solving the same interval.

The pull request token contains an algorithmic random and the head random based on the solution of a previous time interval which must be used to perform the work burst. It, therefore, becomes stupid to issue pull request tokens for a future time interval as the head of the master branch has not been fixed and so the pull request token would not by a large order be checksum valid.

The master head address becomes the congestion point. The address is therefore published via a torrent-like mechanism with a clone performed by all slaves who wish to become the elected master. The slaves also have a duty to check the master for errors. This then involves pull-request submissions to the block-tree (as git is) on various forks from the slave pool.

This meta-algorithm therefore can limit work done per IP address by making the submission IP be part of the work specification. Some may like to call it proof of bureaucracy.

The Cryptoclock

As running a split network on a faster clock seems the most effective hack, the master must set the clock by signed publication. On a clock split the closest modulo hashed time plus block slave salt wins. The slave throne line is on the closest modulo hashed values for salt with signed publication. This ensures a corrupt master must keep all slave salts (or references) in the published blocks. A network join must demote the split via a clock moderation factor. This ensures that culling a small subnet to run at a higher rate to disadvantage the small subnet is punished by the majority of neutrals on the throne line in the master elective on the net reunion, by the punitive clock rate deviation from the majority. As you could split and run lower in an attempt to punify!

Estimated 50 pounds sterling 2021-3-30 in bitcoin for the company work done 😀

The Rebase Compaction Bounty (Bonus)

Designed to be a complex task a bounty is set to compress the blockchain structure to a rebased smaller data equivalent. This is done by effectively removing many earlier blocks and placing a special block of archival index terminals for non-transferred holdings in the ancient block history. This is bound to happen infrequently to never and set at a lotto rate depending on the mined percents. This would eventually cause a work spurt based on the expected gain. The ruling controlling the energy expenditure versus the archival cost could be integrated with the wallet stagnation (into the void) by setting a wallet timeout of the order of many years.

A form of lotto inheritance for the collective data duplication cost of historic irrelevance. A super computational only to be taken on by the supercomputer of the age. A method therefore of computational research as it were, and not something for everybody to do, but easy for everybody to check as they compact.

Nitro Bacon COVID Hypothesis

So it seems there is a larger fraction of ethnic dead in the actuary of covid in the UK, and it does not seem to be genetic. This leaves environmental causation. I posit that Bacon and other nitro curing salted meat products are eaten in a larger amount by the sections of populous recording a lower than average actuarial death rate.

The proposed mechanism of action for this effect is through lifting blood pressure by consumption of nitro curing salts and so effecting a partial closure of the ACE2 receptor such that the infection affinity of the covid spike protein is reduced.

Dietary intakes of at-risk population sectors include a reduced-sodium and processed meat intake as a medical diet and may indicate that further research is required on gathering salted preserve intake versus ICU outcome.

I am quite surprised that many apparently random statistics are not captured on the off chance that significance may be shown. It is hardly a problem for the central limit theorem to be applied when the actuary exceeds 100000.

A likely non-chatty and a few more dead seems a better telly for the masses or not? It an’t even cosmically possible to solve language puzzles theses days. A word starting with N and ending in G. can lead to a 24 hour Facebook ban. It could best be expressed by saying Obama didn’t have tits. I appealed, but luckily or not due to covid the bums are not on seats at this time or such gatekeeping. Maybe they all ironically died due to lack of nitro salts? I wonder if the pearly gates they may or may not love has a shoot to hell policy?

Still a few hours before I can create a Facebook group “Borg Unimatrix Thought Distribution Node” for maximal profit. Borg is likely offensive to the Borg as maximal entropy of algorithmic production would likely be higher on the list if elimination of the surplus to requirement individuals was not placed so high.

Medi-ochre and society as corruption lowers society, the leaders can’t help but choose from lesser options and become the pictures of their own making.

Xenozootic Virology

The limited but perhaps influential evidence that covid might have started as an unnoticeable viral cross infection into humans  (Italian smoker study and some Chinese ideals), may be responsible for the 1/3rd no symptom transmission, as it might be possible the Wuhan strain was just a mutation of the unnoticed base virus which became, even more, infectious and had a greater severity.

This knowledge might indicate an occluded outbreak which being of low infectivity and unnoticeable severity might have already travelled enough of the world to infect about 30% of the world’s population so providing some kind of cross-immunity with the Wuhan strain. For all that I know it could have started with some guy called Keith in Hackney Downs.

A backtrace on the per cent of nonsymptomatic in area density across the globe may have indicative potential on the origination of the Pangolin Mary coming into contact with the occluded strain. Although factoring in the kissy romance of the Italian greeting would have to be used to normalize the neutral expectation of transmission under occlusion along with other societal locale idioms. Such things would potentially affect the nonsymptomatic occluded rate compared to the covid hospitalization rate, and hence be estimable to some extent.

The study of R0 unbiased via lockdown percolation along with critical actuarial induction of lockdown would lead to likely numbers on the binding affinity … blah, redacted. **** ****** ** …

I mean like 30% might be one of those 30/70 behaviourisms via some genetic activation, providing pre-MHC preferential or J section locations of activity.

Free Form Thoughts

A Classic Movie Voice Over

And so did the cutter of stone from the sky release the priest of his knowledge of lack of contact such that a stone cold comparison could be seen, and such that it meant that he still would still not know a hug.

And it became decided that the balance between overtaking the lessers versus timed up greaters as an order for the taking sensing a taked in the mistook, all because analytic in speed of absorption, such that little to as much was done.

How to tell the apprentice from beyond thu execution and what of the touchy humours?

And as the unity lowered with the cut words “different cutter” as they appeared. From this a division of opinion ended in more than a happen-seat. And so it was and might is a mighty word.

The multi-cutural (noel) was seen perhaps ower to the hives of man and fortuatous gods or sub-gods. Then what could be done? Why would they prey upon an idol god for it was upon the nature of being that action did perform some or a difference upon tribes and detribulates. If the payment is freedom then what is it to be holden to a duty?

Bode, bode and thrice bode that minus one is a bitch. Obvious dick in womb joke and all. All bar one off course. Yes, an extra-oneous F. Rise again dear cheapo.

And as he placed ring finger of his fishy right hand upon the pre-chopped and processed tree stump, declaring “take it and fuck off”, all was a bit more cagey and costing of those that never get told of the prices of alternate labour avoidance for profit.

Nice story so far dear observer. I think you’d like a little titillation for your money now. Bring forth babe percents and vital statistics.

What a placement of mind in such a being of knowledge. What could become? What it for removals of of thing never cast, never worried, never done.

In the be ginning. A shrrod ploy to an ends. As all became seated and thrust needed no explanation.

All the Too Messy for Sci-Fi Complaints

Assuming GPT-3 is really good at story completion how can anyone say that errors in word sequencing are irrelevant for the provocation phrase issued to an AI when the purpose is completion from the source through sense and not the generation of a more precise bore?

Although the mathematics of a form of complexity may be essential, the actual origin of the mathematics might not be as essential as a way of introducing the definitive emergents as one would assume. Multiple originations of emergence isomorphism in the completeness of behaviour might and likely are possible.

The latest AI joke is about the Silly can’ts versus the car bonned. Oh, dear. 

Gradients and Descents

Consider a backpropagation which has just applied to a network under learning. It is obvious that various weights changed by various amounts. If a weight changes little it can be considered good. If a weight changes a lot it can be considered an essential definer weight. Consider the maximal definer weight (the one with the greatest change) and change it a further per cent in its defined direction. Feedforward the network and backpropagate again. Many of the good weights will go back to closer to where they were before definer pass and can be considered excellent. Others will deviate further and be considered ok.

The signed tally of definer(3)/excellent(0)/good(1)/ok(2) can be placed as a variable of programming in each neuron. The per cent weight to apply to a definer, or more explicitly the definer history deviation product as a weight to per cent for the definer’s direction makes a training map which is not necessary for using the net after training is finished. It does however even further processing such as “excellent definer” detection. What does it mean? 

In a continual learning system, it indicates a new rationale requirement for the problem as it has developed an unexpected change to an excellent performing neuron. The tally itself could also be considered an auxiliary output of any neuron, but what would be a suitable backpropagation for it? Why would it even need one? Is it not just another round of input to the network (perhaps not applied to the first layer, but then inputs don’t always have to be so).

Defining the concept of definer epilepsy where the definer oscillates due to weight gradient magnification implies the need for the tally to be a signed quantity and also implies that weight normalization to zero should also be present. This requires but has not been proven as the only sufficient condition that per cent growth from zero should be weighted slightly less than per cent reduction toward zero. This can be factored into an asymmetry stability meta.

A net of this form can have memory. The oscillation of definer neurons can represent state information. They can also define the modality of the net knowledge in application readiness while keeping the excellent all-purpose neurons stable. The next step is physical and affine coder estimators.

Limit Sums

The convergence sequence on a weighting can be considered isomorphic to a limit sum series acceleration. The net can be “thrown” into an estimate of an infinity of cycles programming on the examples. Effectiveness can be evaluated, and data estimated on the “window” over the sum as an inner product on weightings with bounds control mechanisms yet TBC. PID control systems indicate in the first estimate that differentials and integrals to reduce error and increase convergence speed are appropriate factors to measure.

Dynamics on the per cent definers so to speak. And it came to pass the adaptivity increased and performance metrics were good but then irrelevant as newer, better, more relevant ones took hold from the duties of the net. Gundup and Ciders incorporated had a little hindsight problem to solve.

Fractal Affine Representation

Going back to 1991 and Micheal Barnsley developing a fractal image compression system (Iterrated Systems FIF file format). The process was considered computationally intensive in time for very good compression. Experiments with the FIASCO compression system which is an open-source derivative indicate best performance lies in low quality (about 50%) is very fast, but not exact. If the compressed image is subtracted from the input image and further compressed as a residual a number of times, performance is improved dramatically.

Dissociating secondaries and tertiaries from the primary affine set allows disjunct affine sets to be constructed for equivalent compression performance where even a zip compression can remove further information redundancy. The affine sets can be used as input to a network, and in some sense, the net can develop some sort of affine invariance in the processed fractals. The data reduction of the affine compression is also likely to lead to better utilization of the net over a convolution CNN.

The Four Colour Disjunction Theorem.

Consider an extended ensemble. The first layer could be considered a fully connected layer distributor. The last layer could be considered to unify the output by being fully connected. Intermediate layers can be either fully connected or colour limited connected, where only neurons of a colour connect to neurons of the same colour in the next layer. This provides disjunction of weights between layers and removes a completion upon the gradient between colours.

Four is really just a way of seeing the colour partition and does not really have to be four. Is an ensemble of 2 nets of half size better for the same time and space complexity of computation with a resulting lower accuracy of one colour channel, but in total higher in discriminatory performance by the disjuction of the feature detection?

The leaking of cross information can also be reduced if it is considered that feature sets are disjunct. Each feature under low to non detection would not bleed into features under medium to high activation. Is the concept of grouped quench useful?

Query Key Transformer Reduction

From a switching idea in telecommunications, an N*N array can be reduced to a mostly functional due to sparsity N*L array pair and an L*L array. Any cross-product essentially becomes  (from its routing of an in into an out) a set of 3 sequential routings with the first and last being the compression and expansion multiplex to the smaller switch. Cross talk grows to some extent, but this “bleed” of attention is a small consideration given the fact that the variance spread of having 3 routing weights to product up to the one effective weight and computation is less due to L being a smaller number than N.

The Giant Neuron Hypothesis

Considering the output stage of a neuronal model is a level sliced integrator of sorts, the construction of RNN cells would seem obvious. The hypothesis asks if it is logical to consider the layers previous to an “integration” layer effectively an input stage where the whole network is a gigantic neuron and integration is performed on various nonlinear functions. Each integration channel can be considered independent but could also have post layers for further joining integral terms. The integration time can be considered another input set for per integrator functional.  To maintain tensor shape as two inputs per integrator are supplied the first differential would be good also especially where feedback can be applied.

This leads to the idea of the silicon conectome. Then as now as it became, integration was the nonlinear of choice in time (a softmax divided by the variable as goes with [e^x-1]/x. A groovemax if you will). The extra net uninueron integration layer offering the extra time feature of future estimation at an endpoint integral of network evolved choice. The complexity of backpropagation of the limit sum through fixed constants and differentiable functions for a zero adjustable layer insert with scaled estimation of earlier weight adjustment on previous samples in the time series under integration for an ideal propergatable. Wow, that table’s gay as.

This network idea is not necessarily recursive, and may just be an applied network with a global time delta since last evaluation for continuation of the processing of time series information. The actual recursive use of networks with GRU and LSTM cells might benefit from this kind of global integration processing, but can GRU and LSTM be improved? Bistable cells say yes, for a kind of registered sequential logic on the combinationals. Consider that a Moore state machine layout might be more reductionist to efficiency, a kind of register layer pair for production and consumption to bracket the net is under consideration.

The producer layer is easily pushed to be differentiable by being a weighted sum junction between the input and the feedback from the consumer layer. The consumer layer is more complex when differentiability is considered. The consumer register really could be replaced by a zeroth differential prediction of the future sample given past samples. This has an interesting property of pseudo presentation of the output of a network as a consumptive of the input. This allows use of the output in the backpropergation as input to modify weights on learning the feedback. The consumer must be passthrough, in its input to output while storage of samples for predictive differential generation is allowed.

So it’s really some kind of propergational Mealy state machine. A MNN if you’d kindly see. State of the art art of the state. Regenerative registration is a thing of the futured.

ANSI 60 Keyboards? And Exception to the Rule?

More of an experiment in software completion. Jokes abound.

A keyboard keymap file for an ANSI 60 custom just finished software building. Test to follow given that cashflow prevents buy and building of hardware on the near time scale. Not bad for a day!

A built hex file for a DZ60 on GitHub so you don’t have to build your own with an MD5 checksum of 596beceaa446c1f1b55ee5e0a738f1c8 to verify for duelling the hack complexity. EDIT: version 1.7.2F (Enigma Bool Final Release). Development is complete. Only bug and documentation fixes may be pending. 

It all stems from design and data entry thinking, and small observations like the control keys being on the corners like the thumbs to chest closeness of baby two-finger hackers instead of the alt being close in for the parallel thumbs of the multi-finger secretariat.

The input before the output, the junction of the output to our input. It’s a four-layer main layout with an extra for layers for function shift. Quite a surprising amount can be fit in such a small 60 keyspace.

The system allowing intercepts of events going into the widget yet the focus priority should be picking up the none processed outgoings. Of course, this implies the atom widget should be the input interceptor to reflect the message for outer processing in a context. This implies that only widgets which have no children or administered system critical widgets can processEventInflow while all can processEventOutflow so silly things have less chance of happening in the certain progress of process code.

Perhaps a method signature of super protected such that it has a necessary throws ExistentialException or such. Of course, the fact RuntimeException extends Exception (removing a code compilation constraint) is a flaw of security in that it should only have allowed the adding of a constraint by making (in the code compile protection against an existential) Exception extending RuntimeException.

Then the OS can automatically reflect the event unhandled back up the event outflow queue along with an extra event with a link to the child in, and an exposed list of its child widgets) to outflow. An OrphanCollector can then decide to still show the child widgets or not with the opportunity of newEventInflow. All widgets could also be allowed to newEventOutflowForRebound itself a super protected method with a necessary throws ExistentialException (to prevent injection of events from non administered. widgets).

An ExistentialException can never be caught in user code to remove the throws clause and use of super try requires executive privilege to prevent executive code from being loaded by the ClassLoader. It could run but in a lower protection ring until elevated.

An Interpolation of Codecs into the ISO Network Model

  1. Paper
  2. (Media Codec)
  3. Symbols
  4. (Rate Codec)
  5. Envelope
  6. (Ring Codec) 3, 2 …
  7. Post Office
  8. (Drone codec)
  9. Letter Box
  10. (Pizza codec)
  11. Name
  12. (Index codec)
  13. Dear

Considering the ISO network model of 7 layers can be looked at as an isomorphism to a letter delivery with Paper being the lowest hardware layer and Dear being the application layer, there is a set of 6 codecs which transform layer to layer and so a more exacting 13 layer model is just as obvious given the requisite definitions.

There also would exist a Loop Codec which would virtualize via an application a container of a virtual hardware layer on which another stack of 13 could be founded.

9+4+1+1+3*4=27 and a 9th Gluon for 26 Not

It still comes to mind that the “Tits Group gluon” might be a real thing, as although there seem to be eight, the ninth one is in the symmetry of self attraction, perhaps causing a shift in the physical inertia from a predicted instead of filled in constant of nature.

There would appear to be only two types of self dual coloured gluons needed in the strong nuclear force. As though the cube roots of unity were entering into the complex analysis that is within the equations of the universe.


The 3*4 is the fermionic 12 while the relativistic observational deviation from the abstract conceptual observation frame versus the actual moving observation particle provides for the cyclotomic 9+4+1+1 = 15 one of which is not existential within itself but just kind of a sub factor of one of the other essentials. Also it does point out a 3*5 that may also be somewhere.

Given the Tits Gluon, the number of bosons would be 14, which removing 8 for gluons, leaves 6, and removing 4 for the electrowek boson set would leave 2, and removing the Higgs, would leave 1 boson left to discover for that amount of complexity in the bosonic cyclotomic groups.

The fantastic implications of the 26 group of particles and the undelying fundementals which lead to strong complex rooted pairs, and leptonic pair set separation. Well, that’s another future.

Roll on the Plankon as good a name as any. The extension of any GUT beyond it would either be some higher bosonic cyclotomy or a higher order effect of fermions leading to deviation from Heisenburg uncertainty.

Up Charm Top
Down Strange Bottom
Electron Muon Tau
E Neutrino M Neutrino T Neutrino
H Photon W+
? Z0 W
Gluon Gluon Gluon
Gluon Tits Gluon Gluon
Gluon Gluon Gluon

Dimensions of Manifolds

The Lorentz manifold is 7 dimensional with 3 space like 1 time like and 3 velocity like, while the other connected manifold is 2 space like 1 time like, 2 velocity like and a dimensionless “unitless” dimension. So the 6 dimensional “charge” manifold has properties of perhaps 2 toroids and 2 closed path lines in a topological product.

Metres to the 4th power per second. Rate of change of a 4D spacial object perhaps. The Lorentz manifold having a similar metres to the 6th power per second squared measure of dimensional product. Or area per kilogram and area per kilogram squared respectively. This links well with the idea of an invariant gravitational constant for a dimensionless “force” measure, and a mass “charge” in the non Lorentz manifold of root kilogram.

Root seconds per metre? Would this  be the Uncertain Geometry secondary “quantum mass per length field” and the “relativistic invariant Newtonian mass per length field”. To put it another way the constant G maps the kg squared per unit area into a force, but the dimensionless quantity (not in units of force) becomes a projector through the dimensionless to force map.

GF*GD = G and only GF is responsible for mapping to units of force with relativistic corrections. GD maps to a dimensionless quantity and hence would be invariant. In the non Lorentz manifold the GMM/r^2 eqivalent would have M in units of root kilogram ((root seconds) per metre), and GD would have different units too. Another option is for M to be quantized and of the form GM/r^2 as both the “charge” masses could be the same quantized quantity.

The reason the second way is more inconsistent with the the use of the product of field energies as the linear projection of force would give an M^2 over an r^2, and it would remove some logical mappings or symmetries. In terms of moment of inertia thinking, GMM/Mr^2 springs to mind, but has little form beyond an extra idea to test out the maths with.

W Baryogenisis Asymmetrical Charge

The split of W plus and minus into separate particle slots takes the idea that the charge mass asymmetry between electrons and protons can come from a tiny mass half life asymmetry. Charge cancellation of antiparticle WW pairs may still hold but momentum cancellation does not have to be exact, leading to a net dielectric momentum. Who knows an experiment to test this? A slight induced photon to Z imbalance on the charge gradient, with a neutrino emission. The cause of the W plus to minus mass ratio being a consequence of the sporadic group orders and some twist in very taught space versus some not as taught space or dimensionless expression of a symmetrically broken balance of exacts.

The observation of a dimensionless “unitless*” dimension being invariant to spacetime and mass density dilation. My brain is doing a little parallel axis theorem on the side, and saying 3D conservation of energy as an emerging construction with torsion being a dialative observable in taught spacetime.

Recent experiment of inertia of spin in neutrons provides a wave induction mechanism. Amplified remote observation of non EM radio maybe possible. Lenz’s law of counter EM cancellation may not apply. It is interesting. Mass aperture flux density per bit might be ok depending on S/N ratio. That reminds me of nV/root Hz. So root seconds is per root Hz, and nV or scaled Volts is Joules per mol charge, Z integer scale */ Joules, or just Joules or in Uncertain Geometry house units Hz. So Hz per root Hz, or just root Hz (per mol).

So root seconds per metre is per root Hz metre. As the “kilogram equivalent but for a kind of hypercharge” in the non Lorentz manifold perhaps. The equivalent of GD (HD) projecting the invariant to an actual force. By moving the dialative into GF and HF use can be made of invariant analysis. Mols per root Hz metre is also a possible QH in FHI = HDQHQH/R^2 the manifold disconnect being of a radius calculated norm in nature. A “charge” in per noise energy metre?

Beyond the Particles to the 18n of Space with a Tits Connection

Why I lad, it’s sure been a beginning. The 26 sporadic groups and the Tits group as a connection to the 18n infinite families of simple groups. What is the impedance of free space (Google), and does water become an increase or decrease on that number of ohms. Inside the nature of the speed of light at a refractory boundary, what shape is the bend of a deflection and what ohm expectations on the impedance to the progress of light?

Boltzmann Statistics in the Conduction of Noise Energy as Dark Energy

Just like ohm metres is a resistivity of the medium, it’s inverse being a conductivity in the medium, a united quantity relating to “noise energy or intensity” with a metres extra maybe an area over length transform of a bulk property of a thing. The idea a “charge” can be a bulk noise conductivity makes for an interesting question or two. Is entanglement conducted? Can qubits be shielded? Can noise be removed from a volume of space?

If noise pushes on spacetime is it dark energy? Is the Tits gluon connection an axion with extras conducting into the spacetime field at a particular cycle size of the double cover of the from 18n singular group which shall be known as the flux origin. 2F4(2)′, maybe the biggest communication opportunity this side of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*. 

The Outer Manifold Multiverse Time Advantage Hypothesis

Assuming conductivity, and locations of the dimensionally reduced holographic manifold, plus time relativistic dilation, what is the speed of light to entanglement conduction ratio possibilities?

As noise from entanglement comes from everywhere, then any noise directionality control implies focus and control of noisy amounts from differential noise shaped sources. Information is therefore not in the bit state, but in the error spectrums of the bits.

The inner (or Lorentz) manifold is inside the horizon, and maybe the holographic principal is in error in that both manifolds project onto each other, and what is inside a growing black remains inside, and when growth happens does the outer manifold completely get pushed further out?

A note on dimensionfull invariants such as velocities is that although they are invariant they become susceptible to environmental density manipulation where as dimensionless invariants are truly invariant in that there is no metre or second that will ever alter the scalar value. For example Planck’s constant is dimensionless in Uncertain Geometry house units.

So even though the decode may take a while due to the distance of the environmental entanglement and its influence on statistics, (is it a radius or radius square effect), the isolation of transmission via a vacuum could in principal be detected. Is there a relationship between distance, time of decode for relevance of data causality?

If the spectrum of the “noise” is detectable then it must have properties different from other environmental noise, such as being the answer to a non binary question and hopefully degenerative pressure eventually forces the projection of the counter solutions in the noise, allowing detection by statistical absence.

Of course you could see it as a way of the sender just knowing what had not been received, from basic entanglement ideas, and you might be right. As the speed of temperature conduction is limited by the speed of light and non “cool packed” atomic orbital occupancy as in the bulk controlled by photon exchange and not degenerative limits imposed by Pauli exclusion. A quantum qubit system not under vacuum of cooling does not produce the right answer, but does it statistically very slightly produce it more often? Is the calculation drive of the gating applying a calculative pressure to the system of qubits, such that other qubits under a different calculation pressure can either unite or compete for the honour of the results?

Quantum noise plus thermal noise equals noise? 1/f? Shott noise for example is due to carrier conduction in PN junction semiconductors, in some instances. It could be considered a kind of particle observation by the current in the junction which gets (or can be) amplified. I’m not sure if it is independent of temperature in a limited (non plasma like) range, but it is not thermal noise.

The Lambda Outer Manifold Energy in a More General Relativity

The (inner of the horizon) manifold described by GR has a cosmological constant option associated with it. This could be filled by the “gravitation of quantum noise conduction” symmetrical outer manifold isomorphic field with a multiplicative force (dark energy?) Such that the total when viewed in an invariant force measure picture is not complicated by the horizon singularities of the infinities from division by zero. Most notably the Lorentz contraction of the outer manifold as it passed through the horizon on expansion or contraction of the radius.

The radius itself not being invariant can not be cast to other observers to make sense, only calculated invariants (and I’d go as far to say dimensionless invariants) have the required properties to be shared (or just agreed) between observers without questions of relativistic reshaping. Communication does not have to happen to agree on this knowledge of the entangled dimensionless measure.

CMB Focus History

With the CMB assume a temperature bends due to density and distance from a pixel as a back step in time then becomes a new picture with its own fluctuations in density and hence bend to sum an action on a pixel for a earlier accumulation over pixels drifting to a bent velocity. Motion in the direction of heat moved further back in time. Anything good show up? Does the moment weight of other things beside an inverse square bend look a little different?

So as the transparency emission happened over a time interval, the mass should allow a kind of focus back until the opacity happens. Then that is not so much as a problem as it appears or not, as it is a fractional absorbtion ratio, and the transparency balance passed or crosses through zero on an extrapolation of the expectation of continuation.

Then there maybe further crossings back as the down conversion of the red shift converts ulta gamma into the microwave band and lower. The fact the the IF stage of the CMB reciever has a frequency response curve and that a redshift function maybe defined by a function in variables might make for an interesting application of an end point integral as the swapping of a series in dx (Simpson’s rule) becomes a series in differentials of the function but with an exponetial kind of weighting better applicable to series acceleration.

Looking back via a kind of differential calculus induction of function, right back, and back. The size of the observation appature will greatly assist, as would effective interpolation in the size of the image with some knowledge of general relativity and 3D distance of the source of the CMB.

To the Manifold and Beyond

Always fun to end with a few jokes so the one about messing with your experiment from here in multiple ways, and taking one way home and not telling you if I switched it off seems a good one. There are likely more, but today has much thought in it, and there is quite a lot I can’t do. I can only suggest CERN keep the W+ and W- events in different buckets on the “half spin anti-matter opposite charge symmetry, full spin boson anti-matter same charge symmetry as could just be any” and “I wonder if the aliens in the outer universe drew a god on the outside of the black hole just for giggles.”


Differential Modulation So Far

Consider the mapping x(t+1) = k.x(t).(1-x(t)) made famous in chaos mathematics. Given a suitable set of values of k for each of the symbols to be represented on the stream, preferably of a size which produces a chaotic sequence. The sequence can be map stretched to encompass the transmission range of the signal swing.

Knowing that the initial state is represented with an exact precision, and that all calculations are performed using deterministic arithmetic with rounding, then it becomes obvious that for a given transmit precision, it becomes possible to recover some pre-reception transmission by infering the preceeding chaotic sequence.

The calculation involved for maximal likelyhood would be involved and extensive to obtain a “lock”, but after lock the calculation overhead would go down, and just assist in a form of error correction. In terms of noise immunity this would be a reasonable modulation as the past estimation would become more accurate given reception time and higher knowledge of the sequence and its meaning and scope of sense in decode.

AI and HashMap Turing Machines

Considering a remarkable abstract datatype or two is possible, and perhaps closely models the human sequential thought process I wonder today what applications this will have when a suitable execution model ISA and microarchitecture have been defined. The properties of controllable locality of storage and motion, along with read and write along with branch on stimulus and other yet to be discovered machine operations make for a container for a kind of universal Turing machine.

Today is a good day for robot conciousness, although I wonder just how applicable the implementation model is for biological life all the universe over. Here’s a free paper on a condensed few months of abstract thought.

Computative Psychoanalysis

It’s not just about IT, but thrashing through what the mind does, can be made to do, did, it all leverages information and modeling simulation growth for matched or greater ability.

Yes, it could all be made in neural nets, but given the tools available why would you choose to stick with the complexity and lack of density of such a soulution? A reasoning accelerator would be cool for my PC. How is this going to come about without much worktop workshop? If it were just the oil market I could affect, and how did it come to pass that I was introduced to the fall of oil, and for what other consequential thought sets and hence productions I could change.

One might call it wonder and design dress in “accidental” wreckless endangerment. For what should be a simple obvious benefit to the world becomes embroiled in competition to the drive for profit for the control of the “others” making of a non happening which upsets vested interests.

Who’d have thought it from this little cul-de-sac of a planetary system. Not exactly galactic mainline. And the winner is not halting for a live mind.

Strange Dreams of 53 “Herbie”

So first and third. And some other images. It seems the sub-concious is a strange thing, built for purpose by a design evolved over “billenia”. Seems simple and yet so unconcious. Maybe it’s a real change for good. Not in a missionaries and karma pacifiers first with the financial weapons later, but more real, and worth it.

But maybe it’s related to the 1st boot operating system becoming the third boot one. As I had to use Linux Mint 19.1 to bootstrap an ISO burn of Raspbian x86, and then I’m going for a Windows 10 ISO for use in a virtual box machine for those occasional must haves. Luckyly I have had no major issues yet with things like Xilinx design tools, or even virtual box.

So after some ping and a little browse to the expected gateway, I don’t need to find how to do an auto-config “proxy” script as it will route as soon as the click happens to the faster internet. Which is good considering the number of downloads that I might have to do to fix up a system by Crimbo.

Let this be a never let Windows be the hypervisor lesson. As they at Microsoft have too many issues of ignoring such things as other installed and preferred hypervisors. Then new flood oneDrive with all your documents to get them deleted, or interfere with creation of new ones unless you upgrade or have a decent smidge of tech savvy.

The windows quality experience goes on and on. At least it is possible to get the usb0 device to work, although there is likely some dhcp option I have to enable for a default setup. Although a large percentage of the bandwidth is updates of windows and microsoft store apps.Â