Future Prediction by AI

So given that the future estimation could be trained on data from a delayed assumption state from the past prediction of the present, then what is missing? The missing seems to be based on the time factorization process NP problem and innovation stimulus which would cover things that are unknown within the net as well as time relevance which was not compensated for (the delay has an opportunity to sample lesser pasts for greater present prediction but produces nearer futures without doing Monte Carlo assumptions for a spread).

A subnet could be trained to do the estimations of the best assumption for such a predictive engine, leading to a trainability for an expected spread entropy (a situational requirement of MUST and or ANY as GOOD) given a similarity measure of an output of training to a random network spread RND classifier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4lAlVRwbrc is an interview with an author on an interesting paper about AI exploration. This covers the RND idea in a use case. Training a post RND latent space map to merge lingual or other equivalent factorizations of the novelty could be part of this.

The reevaluation of situational state novelty then can become a post addition of a trained residual based on the expected future estimation and the purpose to which the predicted estimator is to be put. Imagine on a stage pretending or on a real battlefield. The eventual motor actions of production to have for benefit?

Boltzmann-Fermi-Dirac Colour Charges

It’s a long shot but imagine if you will a gluon made of two halves. The halves can each be drawn from the two “weights” (low and high of a non-zero-sum field) if they broke symmetry and the two “charges” like from the zero-sum field.

Given cancellation and combination, 8 gluons happen.

L+L+, L-L-, L+H-, L-H+, L+H+, L-H-, H+H+, H-H-.

So there’s more green weight “sticky” and the Boltzmann distribution for the half Bose-Einstein as a Fermi-Dirac perhaps. The blue colour perhaps travels less far due to higher “mass” (if it splits), but as the energy input in the strong force makes more gluons at a critical threshold, the further interaction has more energy and a less gluey implementation in blue.

I wonder if the QCD simulation evaluations can take this all into account for better accuracy. I put the two yellow “charges” in there which technically would be massed green, but given the charge +/- cancellation without perhaps LH equality would suggest a kind of neutral weight dipole.

EDIT: As the energy increases moving into “small x QCD” the expansion of colour coverage, to prevent saturation by a UV gluon density catastrophe, the critical temperature is exceeded and the “cooper pair” effect on the half bosons is removed and Pauli colour saturation removes the gluon density within the nucleon. Yes, this paragraph is unproven, but there must be some effect stabilising the UV catastrophe. This would also lead to a cyclic order of colour based on mass expression above the critical temperature for some critically small x.

K Ring Technologies Unlimited and MOND Galactic Equivalence

Due to the facinating non-working companies house service for email notification for upcomming filings which are needed not working in the COVID period I have miss the accounting date and K Ring Technologies Ltd, is to be struck off the companies register. All business is therefore to become sole trader until such time as sense resumes.

But apart from that I’ve extending the quantum uncertainty in a gravitational field idea and come up with


As a dipole expansive explination for dark matter and thruough the singularity of the first term an eventual repulsive dark energy kind of force. In the dipole limit in a galaxy for example the force will aproximate 1/r and so is effectively a MOND on the small galactic scale.

Parse Buffer Overflows? Dark Priorities.

Sounds like such fun. An irremovable or a point update fix on the press? https://github.com/jackokring/majar/blob/master/src/uk/co/kring/kodek/Generator.java sounds like fun too. Choices, choices? Amplified radial uncertainty of Δr.GMm.Δt≤ℏ.r2/2 was kind of the order of last night. Is it dark matter? Is tangential uncertainty in the same respect part of dark energy? The radial uncertainty in a sure instant of time, and the potential gravitational energy? A net inward force congruent with dark energy?

And a tangential version of the squared hypotenuse of radius and tangential uncertainty of radius resultant? That leads to a reduction of gravity at a large radius and is more like dark energy. More evidence for a spectrum of uncertainty amount hence the “less than equals” being simplistic on an actuality?

Oh, no I’ll have to investigate the last GET/POST before errors … how boring (last time an Indian) … guess who?

The Small Big G and Why Gravity?

As G the gravitational constant is small compared to other force constants this would make delta r be bigger in gravity for the same amplified ħ uncertainty. With the time accuracy of light arrival in the visible range, the radial uncertainty at a high radial distance integrates over the non-linearity of the 1/r^2 force, for a net inward. Tangentially, the integral would net a reduction in gravity.


So a partial reason for dark matter and dark energy to be explained by quantum gravity. It’s a simple formula and Δv/Δt as a substitute for Δp=mΔv using F=ma=GMm/r2 in ΔxΔp≤ℏ/2 so the answer is approximate an r±Δr might be more appropriate for exacting calculations, and r2+Δr2 as a tangential hypotenuse.

As https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coulomb%27s_law is 20 orders of magnitude higher the dark coulomb force will be 10 orders of radius larger for the same effect.

As the Mass by the Cube, and the Uncertainty by the Square.

As the distance increases to the centre of a gravitational lens, the uncertainty of the mass radially becomes significant so effectively reducing the minimal acceleration due to gravity, and growing the volume bulk integral of mass in uncertainty. The force delta would be inverse cubic, countered by the cubic growth in integration volume. The force would therefore in isotropy become a fixed quantity effect.

This is not even considering the potential existence of a heavy graviton, or the concept of conservation of a mass information velocity that would have a dark energy effect. It still seems “conservation of acceleration” is not even a taught effect considering there are many wine glasses that would have loved to know about it.

As for the rapid running constant increase toward the unification energy and what inner sun horizons would do to a G magnification? Likely not that relevant? Only the EM force seems to increase in coupling as the energy of the system dilates in time. This would imply the other three standard forces decrease, so necessitating an increase in radial uncertainty on average. The strong force has a with distance effect below the confinement distance, and so as the radius reduces, a Δr.k.Δt≤ℏ/2r rule is likely which would lead to the most likely reciprocal isomorphism of dark matter and dark energy.

Due to quark mass differences, and k, therefore, being one of 15 = 6*(6-1)/2 constants depending on the quark pair a triad product pentad structuring of force to acceleration might occur, with further splitting by boson interactions with quarks. Maybe this is a long shot to infer the finality on the low energy quark set of 6. Likely a totient in there for an 8. That’s all in the phi line and golden, silver and forcing theorems. I wonder if forcing theorems have unforcing and further forcing propergatives?


You could be right.  So? It’s not as though it affected any of the local accelerators I don’t have. If it’s all about the bit not understood, then as a product constraint, it is where the action is at. As the maths might work, I am speculating the further equations will be in a less than form and so need fewer corrections? Premature optimization is the root? Any tiny effect would be on that side of equality perhaps. Maybe it was just a tilt on the suggestion of an inverse isomorphism. I couldn’t say, but that’s how it exited my mind.

K Ring CODEC Existential Proof

When p=2q. L(0) is not equal L(1).

Find n such that (L(0)/L(1))^(2n+1) defines the number of bias elements for a certain bias exceeding 2:1. This is not the minimal number of bias elements but is a faster computation of a sufficient existential cardinal order. In fact, it’s erroneous. A more useful equation is


Showing an asymmetry on pq for even counts of containment between adding entropic pseudo-randomness. So if the direction is PQ biased detection and subsample control via horizontals and verticals position splitting? The bit quantity of clockwise parity XOR reflection count parity (CWRP) has an interesting binary sequence. Flipping the clockwise parity and the 12/6 o’clock location inverts the state for modulation.

So asymmetric baryogenesis, that process of some bias in antimatter and matter with an apparently identical mirror symmetry with each other. There must be an existential mechanism and in this mechanism a way of digitizing the process and finding the equivalents to matter and antimatter. Some way of utilizing a probabilistic asymmetry along with a time application to the statistic so that apparent opposites can be made to present a difference on some time presence count.

Nitro Bacon COVID Hypothesis

So it seems there is a larger fraction of ethnic dead in the actuary of covid in the UK, and it does not seem to be genetic. This leaves environmental causation. I posit that Bacon and other nitro curing salted meat products are eaten in a larger amount by the sections of populous recording a lower than average actuarial death rate.

The proposed mechanism of action for this effect is through lifting blood pressure by consumption of nitro curing salts and so effecting a partial closure of the ACE2 receptor such that the infection affinity of the covid spike protein is reduced.

Dietary intakes of at-risk population sectors include a reduced-sodium and processed meat intake as a medical diet and may indicate that further research is required on gathering salted preserve intake versus ICU outcome.

I am quite surprised that many apparently random statistics are not captured on the off chance that significance may be shown. It is hardly a problem for the central limit theorem to be applied when the actuary exceeds 100000.

A likely non-chatty and a few more dead seems a better telly for the masses or not? It an’t even cosmically possible to solve language puzzles theses days. A word starting with N and ending in G. can lead to a 24 hour Facebook ban. It could best be expressed by saying Obama didn’t have tits. I appealed, but luckily or not due to covid the bums are not on seats at this time or such gatekeeping. Maybe they all ironically died due to lack of nitro salts? I wonder if the pearly gates they may or may not love has a shoot to hell policy?

Still a few hours before I can create a Facebook group “Borg Unimatrix Thought Distribution Node” for maximal profit. Borg is likely offensive to the Borg as maximal entropy of algorithmic production would likely be higher on the list if elimination of the surplus to requirement individuals was not placed so high.

Medi-ochre and society as corruption lowers society, the leaders can’t help but choose from lesser options and become the pictures of their own making.

Xenozootic Virology

The limited but perhaps influential evidence that covid might have started as an unnoticeable viral cross infection into humans  (Italian smoker study and some Chinese ideals), may be responsible for the 1/3rd no symptom transmission, as it might be possible the Wuhan strain was just a mutation of the unnoticed base virus which became, even more, infectious and had a greater severity.

This knowledge might indicate an occluded outbreak which being of low infectivity and unnoticeable severity might have already travelled enough of the world to infect about 30% of the world’s population so providing some kind of cross-immunity with the Wuhan strain. For all that I know it could have started with some guy called Keith in Hackney Downs.

A backtrace on the per cent of nonsymptomatic in area density across the globe may have indicative potential on the origination of the Pangolin Mary coming into contact with the occluded strain. Although factoring in the kissy romance of the Italian greeting would have to be used to normalize the neutral expectation of transmission under occlusion along with other societal locale idioms. Such things would potentially affect the nonsymptomatic occluded rate compared to the covid hospitalization rate, and hence be estimable to some extent.

The study of R0 unbiased via lockdown percolation along with critical actuarial induction of lockdown would lead to likely numbers on the binding affinity … blah, redacted. **** ****** ** …

I mean like 30% might be one of those 30/70 behaviourisms via some genetic activation, providing pre-MHC preferential or J section locations of activity.

Gradients and Descents

Consider a backpropagation which has just applied to a network under learning. It is obvious that various weights changed by various amounts. If a weight changes little it can be considered good. If a weight changes a lot it can be considered an essential definer weight. Consider the maximal definer weight (the one with the greatest change) and change it a further per cent in its defined direction. Feedforward the network and backpropagate again. Many of the good weights will go back to closer to where they were before definer pass and can be considered excellent. Others will deviate further and be considered ok.

The signed tally of definer(3)/excellent(0)/good(1)/ok(2) can be placed as a variable of programming in each neuron. The per cent weight to apply to a definer, or more explicitly the definer history deviation product as a weight to per cent for the definer’s direction makes a training map which is not necessary for using the net after training is finished. It does however even further processing such as “excellent definer” detection. What does it mean? 

In a continual learning system, it indicates a new rationale requirement for the problem as it has developed an unexpected change to an excellent performing neuron. The tally itself could also be considered an auxiliary output of any neuron, but what would be a suitable backpropagation for it? Why would it even need one? Is it not just another round of input to the network (perhaps not applied to the first layer, but then inputs don’t always have to be so).

Defining the concept of definer epilepsy where the definer oscillates due to weight gradient magnification implies the need for the tally to be a signed quantity and also implies that weight normalization to zero should also be present. This requires but has not been proven as the only sufficient condition that per cent growth from zero should be weighted slightly less than per cent reduction toward zero. This can be factored into an asymmetry stability meta.

A net of this form can have memory. The oscillation of definer neurons can represent state information. They can also define the modality of the net knowledge in application readiness while keeping the excellent all-purpose neurons stable. The next step is physical and affine coder estimators.

Limit Sums

The convergence sequence on a weighting can be considered isomorphic to a limit sum series acceleration. The net can be “thrown” into an estimate of an infinity of cycles programming on the examples. Effectiveness can be evaluated, and data estimated on the “window” over the sum as an inner product on weightings with bounds control mechanisms yet TBC. PID control systems indicate in the first estimate that differentials and integrals to reduce error and increase convergence speed are appropriate factors to measure.

Dynamics on the per cent definers so to speak. And it came to pass the adaptivity increased and performance metrics were good but then irrelevant as newer, better, more relevant ones took hold from the duties of the net. Gundup and Ciders incorporated had a little hindsight problem to solve.

Fractal Affine Representation

Going back to 1991 and Micheal Barnsley developing a fractal image compression system (Iterrated Systems FIF file format). The process was considered computationally intensive in time for very good compression. Experiments with the FIASCO compression system which is an open-source derivative indicate best performance lies in low quality (about 50%) is very fast, but not exact. If the compressed image is subtracted from the input image and further compressed as a residual a number of times, performance is improved dramatically.

Dissociating secondaries and tertiaries from the primary affine set allows disjunct affine sets to be constructed for equivalent compression performance where even a zip compression can remove further information redundancy. The affine sets can be used as input to a network, and in some sense, the net can develop some sort of affine invariance in the processed fractals. The data reduction of the affine compression is also likely to lead to better utilization of the net over a convolution CNN.

The Four Colour Disjunction Theorem.

Consider an extended ensemble. The first layer could be considered a fully connected layer distributor. The last layer could be considered to unify the output by being fully connected. Intermediate layers can be either fully connected or colour limited connected, where only neurons of a colour connect to neurons of the same colour in the next layer. This provides disjunction of weights between layers and removes a completion upon the gradient between colours.

Four is really just a way of seeing the colour partition and does not really have to be four. Is an ensemble of 2 nets of half size better for the same time and space complexity of computation with a resulting lower accuracy of one colour channel, but in total higher in discriminatory performance by the disjuction of the feature detection?

The leaking of cross information can also be reduced if it is considered that feature sets are disjunct. Each feature under low to non detection would not bleed into features under medium to high activation. Is the concept of grouped quench useful?

Query Key Transformer Reduction

From a switching idea in telecommunications, an N*N array can be reduced to a mostly functional due to sparsity N*L array pair and an L*L array. Any cross-product essentially becomes  (from its routing of an in into an out) a set of 3 sequential routings with the first and last being the compression and expansion multiplex to the smaller switch. Cross talk grows to some extent, but this “bleed” of attention is a small consideration given the fact that the variance spread of having 3 routing weights to product up to the one effective weight and computation is less due to L being a smaller number than N.

The Giant Neuron Hypothesis

Considering the output stage of a neuronal model is a level sliced integrator of sorts, the construction of RNN cells would seem obvious. The hypothesis asks if it is logical to consider the layers previous to an “integration” layer effectively an input stage where the whole network is a gigantic neuron and integration is performed on various nonlinear functions. Each integration channel can be considered independent but could also have post layers for further joining integral terms. The integration time can be considered another input set for per integrator functional.  To maintain tensor shape as two inputs per integrator are supplied the first differential would be good also especially where feedback can be applied.

This leads to the idea of the silicon conectome. Then as now as it became, integration was the nonlinear of choice in time (a softmax divided by the variable as goes with [e^x-1]/x. A groovemax if you will). The extra net uninueron integration layer offering the extra time feature of future estimation at an endpoint integral of network evolved choice. The complexity of backpropagation of the limit sum through fixed constants and differentiable functions for a zero adjustable layer insert with scaled estimation of earlier weight adjustment on previous samples in the time series under integration for an ideal propergatable. Wow, that table’s gay as.

This network idea is not necessarily recursive, and may just be an applied network with a global time delta since last evaluation for continuation of the processing of time series information. The actual recursive use of networks with GRU and LSTM cells might benefit from this kind of global integration processing, but can GRU and LSTM be improved? Bistable cells say yes, for a kind of registered sequential logic on the combinationals. Consider that a Moore state machine layout might be more reductionist to efficiency, a kind of register layer pair for production and consumption to bracket the net is under consideration.

The producer layer is easily pushed to be differentiable by being a weighted sum junction between the input and the feedback from the consumer layer. The consumer layer is more complex when differentiability is considered. The consumer register really could be replaced by a zeroth differential prediction of the future sample given past samples. This has an interesting property of pseudo presentation of the output of a network as a consumptive of the input. This allows use of the output in the backpropergation as input to modify weights on learning the feedback. The consumer must be passthrough, in its input to output while storage of samples for predictive differential generation is allowed.

So it’s really some kind of propergational Mealy state machine. A MNN if you’d kindly see. State of the art art of the state. Regenerative registration is a thing of the futured.

9+4+1+1+3*4=27 and a 9th Gluon for 26 Not

It still comes to mind that the “Tits Group gluon” might be a real thing, as although there seem to be eight, the ninth one is in the symmetry of self attraction, perhaps causing a shift in the physical inertia from a predicted instead of filled in constant of nature.

There would appear to be only two types of self dual coloured gluons needed in the strong nuclear force. As though the cube roots of unity were entering into the complex analysis that is within the equations of the universe.


The 3*4 is the fermionic 12 while the relativistic observational deviation from the abstract conceptual observation frame versus the actual moving observation particle provides for the cyclotomic 9+4+1+1 = 15 one of which is not existential within itself but just kind of a sub factor of one of the other essentials. Also it does point out a 3*5 that may also be somewhere.

Given the Tits Gluon, the number of bosons would be 14, which removing 8 for gluons, leaves 6, and removing 4 for the electrowek boson set would leave 2, and removing the Higgs, would leave 1 boson left to discover for that amount of complexity in the bosonic cyclotomic groups.

The fantastic implications of the 26 group of particles and the undelying fundementals which lead to strong complex rooted pairs, and leptonic pair set separation. Well, that’s another future.

Roll on the Plankon as good a name as any. The extension of any GUT beyond it would either be some higher bosonic cyclotomy or a higher order effect of fermions leading to deviation from Heisenburg uncertainty.

Up Charm Top
Down Strange Bottom
Electron Muon Tau
E Neutrino M Neutrino T Neutrino
H Photon W+
? Z0 W
Gluon Gluon Gluon
Gluon Tits Gluon Gluon
Gluon Gluon Gluon

Dimensions of Manifolds

The Lorentz manifold is 7 dimensional with 3 space like 1 time like and 3 velocity like, while the other connected manifold is 2 space like 1 time like, 2 velocity like and a dimensionless “unitless” dimension. So the 6 dimensional “charge” manifold has properties of perhaps 2 toroids and 2 closed path lines in a topological product.

Metres to the 4th power per second. Rate of change of a 4D spacial object perhaps. The Lorentz manifold having a similar metres to the 6th power per second squared measure of dimensional product. Or area per kilogram and area per kilogram squared respectively. This links well with the idea of an invariant gravitational constant for a dimensionless “force” measure, and a mass “charge” in the non Lorentz manifold of root kilogram.

Root seconds per metre? Would this  be the Uncertain Geometry secondary “quantum mass per length field” and the “relativistic invariant Newtonian mass per length field”. To put it another way the constant G maps the kg squared per unit area into a force, but the dimensionless quantity (not in units of force) becomes a projector through the dimensionless to force map.

GF*GD = G and only GF is responsible for mapping to units of force with relativistic corrections. GD maps to a dimensionless quantity and hence would be invariant. In the non Lorentz manifold the GMM/r^2 eqivalent would have in units of root kilogram ((root seconds) per metre), and GD would have different units too. Another option is for M to be quantized and of the form GM/r^2 as both the “charge” masses could be the same quantized quantity.

The reason the second way is more inconsistent with the the use of the product of field energies as the linear projection of force would give an M^2 over an r^2, and it would remove some logical mappings or symmetries. In terms of moment of inertia thinking, GMM/Mr^2 springs to mind, but has little form beyond an extra idea to test out the maths with.

W Baryogenisis Asymmetrical Charge

The split of W plus and minus into separate particle slots takes the idea that the charge mass asymmetry between electrons and protons can come from a tiny mass half life asymmetry. Charge cancellation of antiparticle WW pairs may still hold but momentum cancellation does not have to be exact, leading to a net dielectric momentum. Who knows an experiment to test this? A slight induced photon to Z imbalance on the charge gradient, with a neutrino emission. The cause of the W plus to minus mass ratio being a consequence of the sporadic group orders and some twist in very taught space versus some not as taught space or dimensionless expression of a symmetrically broken balance of exacts.

The observation of a dimensionless “unitless*” dimension being invariant to spacetime and mass density dilation. My brain is doing a little parallel axis theorem on the side, and saying 3D conservation of energy as an emerging construction with torsion being a dialative observable in taught spacetime.

Recent experiment of inertia of spin in neutrons provides a wave induction mechanism. Amplified remote observation of non EM radio maybe possible. Lenz’s law of counter EM cancellation may not apply. It is interesting. Mass aperture flux density per bit might be ok depending on S/N ratio. That reminds me of nV/root Hz. So root seconds is per root Hz, and nV or scaled Volts is Joules per mol charge, Z integer scale */ Joules, or just Joules or in Uncertain Geometry house units Hz. So Hz per root Hz, or just root Hz (per mol).

So root seconds per metre is per root Hz metre. As the “kilogram equivalent but for a kind of hypercharge” in the non Lorentz manifold perhaps. The equivalent of GD (HD) projecting the invariant to an actual force. By moving the dialative into GF and HF use can be made of invariant analysis. Mols per root Hz metre is also a possible QH in FHI = HDQHQH/R^2 the manifold disconnect being of a radius calculated norm in nature. A “charge” in per noise energy metre?

Beyond the Particles to the 18n of Space with a Tits Connection

Why I lad, it’s sure been a beginning. The 26 sporadic groups and the Tits group as a connection to the 18n infinite families of simple groups. What is the impedance of free space (Google), and does water become an increase or decrease on that number of ohms. Inside the nature of the speed of light at a refractory boundary, what shape is the bend of a deflection and what ohm expectations on the impedance to the progress of light?

Boltzmann Statistics in the Conduction of Noise Energy as Dark Energy

Just like ohm metres is a resistivity of the medium, it’s inverse being a conductivity in the medium, a united quantity relating to “noise energy or intensity” with a metres extra maybe an area over length transform of a bulk property of a thing. The idea a “charge” can be a bulk noise conductivity makes for an interesting question or two. Is entanglement conducted? Can qubits be shielded? Can noise be removed from a volume of space?

If noise pushes on spacetime is it dark energy? Is the Tits gluon connection an axion with extras conducting into the spacetime field at a particular cycle size of the double cover of the from 18n singular group which shall be known as the flux origin. 2F4(2)′, maybe the biggest communication opportunity this side of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*. 

The Outer Manifold Multiverse Time Advantage Hypothesis

Assuming conductivity, and locations of the dimensionally reduced holographic manifold, plus time relativistic dilation, what is the speed of light to entanglement conduction ratio possibilities?

As noise from entanglement comes from everywhere, then any noise directionality control implies focus and control of noisy amounts from differential noise shaped sources. Information is therefore not in the bit state, but in the error spectrums of the bits.

The inner (or Lorentz) manifold is inside the horizon, and maybe the holographic principal is in error in that both manifolds project onto each other, and what is inside a growing black remains inside, and when growth happens does the outer manifold completely get pushed further out?

A note on dimensionfull invariants such as velocities is that although they are invariant they become susceptible to environmental density manipulation where as dimensionless invariants are truly invariant in that there is no metre or second that will ever alter the scalar value. For example Planck’s constant is dimensionless in Uncertain Geometry house units.

So even though the decode may take a while due to the distance of the environmental entanglement and its influence on statistics, (is it a radius or radius square effect), the isolation of transmission via a vacuum could in principal be detected. Is there a relationship between distance, time of decode for relevance of data causality?

If the spectrum of the “noise” is detectable then it must have properties different from other environmental noise, such as being the answer to a non binary question and hopefully degenerative pressure eventually forces the projection of the counter solutions in the noise, allowing detection by statistical absence.

Of course you could see it as a way of the sender just knowing what had not been received, from basic entanglement ideas, and you might be right. As the speed of temperature conduction is limited by the speed of light and non “cool packed” atomic orbital occupancy as in the bulk controlled by photon exchange and not degenerative limits imposed by Pauli exclusion. A quantum qubit system not under vacuum of cooling does not produce the right answer, but does it statistically very slightly produce it more often? Is the calculation drive of the gating applying a calculative pressure to the system of qubits, such that other qubits under a different calculation pressure can either unite or compete for the honour of the results?

Quantum noise plus thermal noise equals noise? 1/f? Shott noise for example is due to carrier conduction in PN junction semiconductors, in some instances. It could be considered a kind of particle observation by the current in the junction which gets (or can be) amplified. I’m not sure if it is independent of temperature in a limited (non plasma like) range, but it is not thermal noise.

The Lambda Outer Manifold Energy in a More General Relativity

The (inner of the horizon) manifold described by GR has a cosmological constant option associated with it. This could be filled by the “gravitation of quantum noise conduction” symmetrical outer manifold isomorphic field with a multiplicative force (dark energy?) Such that the total when viewed in an invariant force measure picture is not complicated by the horizon singularities of the infinities from division by zero. Most notably the Lorentz contraction of the outer manifold as it passed through the horizon on expansion or contraction of the radius.

The radius itself not being invariant can not be cast to other observers to make sense, only calculated invariants (and I’d go as far to say dimensionless invariants) have the required properties to be shared (or just agreed) between observers without questions of relativistic reshaping. Communication does not have to happen to agree on this knowledge of the entangled dimensionless measure.

CMB Focus History

With the CMB assume a temperature bends due to density and distance from a pixel as a back step in time then becomes a new picture with its own fluctuations in density and hence bend to sum an action on a pixel for a earlier accumulation over pixels drifting to a bent velocity. Motion in the direction of heat moved further back in time. Anything good show up? Does the moment weight of other things beside an inverse square bend look a little different?

So as the transparency emission happened over a time interval, the mass should allow a kind of focus back until the opacity happens. Then that is not so much as a problem as it appears or not, as it is a fractional absorbtion ratio, and the transparency balance passed or crosses through zero on an extrapolation of the expectation of continuation.

Then there maybe further crossings back as the down conversion of the red shift converts ulta gamma into the microwave band and lower. The fact the the IF stage of the CMB reciever has a frequency response curve and that a redshift function maybe defined by a function in variables might make for an interesting application of an end point integral as the swapping of a series in dx (Simpson’s rule) becomes a series in differentials of the function but with an exponetial kind of weighting better applicable to series acceleration.

Looking back via a kind of differential calculus induction of function, right back, and back. The size of the observation appature will greatly assist, as would effective interpolation in the size of the image with some knowledge of general relativity and 3D distance of the source of the CMB.

To the Manifold and Beyond

Always fun to end with a few jokes so the one about messing with your experiment from here in multiple ways, and taking one way home and not telling you if I switched it off seems a good one. There are likely more, but today has much thought in it, and there is quite a lot I can’t do. I can only suggest CERN keep the W+ and W- events in different buckets on the “half spin anti-matter opposite charge symmetry, full spin boson anti-matter same charge symmetry as could just be any” and “I wonder if the aliens in the outer universe drew a god on the outside of the black hole just for giggles.”


Differential Modulation So Far

Consider the mapping x(t+1) = k.x(t).(1-x(t)) made famous in chaos mathematics. Given a suitable set of values of k for each of the symbols to be represented on the stream, preferably of a size which produces a chaotic sequence. The sequence can be map stretched to encompass the transmission range of the signal swing.

Knowing that the initial state is represented with an exact precision, and that all calculations are performed using deterministic arithmetic with rounding, then it becomes obvious that for a given transmit precision, it becomes possible to recover some pre-reception transmission by infering the preceeding chaotic sequence.

The calculation involved for maximal likelyhood would be involved and extensive to obtain a “lock”, but after lock the calculation overhead would go down, and just assist in a form of error correction. In terms of noise immunity this would be a reasonable modulation as the past estimation would become more accurate given reception time and higher knowledge of the sequence and its meaning and scope of sense in decode.

AI and HashMap Turing Machines

Considering a remarkable abstract datatype or two is possible, and perhaps closely models the human sequential thought process I wonder today what applications this will have when a suitable execution model ISA and microarchitecture have been defined. The properties of controllable locality of storage and motion, along with read and write along with branch on stimulus and other yet to be discovered machine operations make for a container for a kind of universal Turing machine.

Today is a good day for robot conciousness, although I wonder just how applicable the implementation model is for biological life all the universe over. Here’s a free paper on a condensed few months of abstract thought.

Computative Psychoanalysis

It’s not just about IT, but thrashing through what the mind does, can be made to do, did, it all leverages information and modeling simulation growth for matched or greater ability.

Yes, it could all be made in neural nets, but given the tools available why would you choose to stick with the complexity and lack of density of such a soulution? A reasoning accelerator would be cool for my PC. How is this going to come about without much worktop workshop? If it were just the oil market I could affect, and how did it come to pass that I was introduced to the fall of oil, and for what other consequential thought sets and hence productions I could change.

One might call it wonder and design dress in “accidental” wreckless endangerment. For what should be a simple obvious benefit to the world becomes embroiled in competition to the drive for profit for the control of the “others” making of a non happening which upsets vested interests.

Who’d have thought it from this little cul-de-sac of a planetary system. Not exactly galactic mainline. And the winner is not halting for a live mind.

A New Paper on Computation and Application

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pipeline-Cache-Big-RISC-Computational-ebook/dp/B07XY9RSHH/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=pipeline+cache+big+risc&qid=1568807888&sr=8-1 is a nice paper on some computation issues, and eventually covers some politics and vitamin biochemistry. Not a fan? Still letting your biome let you shout at the bad people not feeding your hunger?

Shovel in the gammon all you want, and load it up with chips as a little survivor from ancient times takes advantage of the modern high carb diet and digs a hole for you.

Statistics and Damn Lies

I was wondering over the statistics problem I call the ABC problem. Say you have 3 walls in a circular path, of different heights, and between them are points marked A, B and C. If in any ‘turn’ the ‘climber’ attempts to scale the wall in the current clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. The chances of success are proportional to the wall height. If the climber fails to get over a wall, they reverse direction. A simple thing, but what are the chances of the climber will be found facing clockwise just before scaling or not a wall? Is it close to 0.5 as the problem is not symmetric?

More interestingly the climber will be in a very real sense captured more often in the cell with the highest pair of walls. If the cell with the lowest pair of walls is just considered as consumption of time, then what is the ratio of the containment time over the total time not in the least inescapable wall cell?

So the binomial distribution of the elimination of the ’emptiest’ when repeating this pattern as an array with co-prime ‘dice’ (if all occupancy has to be in either of the most secure cells in each ‘ring nick’), the rate depends on the number of ring nicks. The considered security majority state is the state (selected from the two most secure cell states) which more of the ring nicks are in, given none are in the least secure state of the three states.

For the ring nick array to be majority most secure more than two thirds the time is another binomial or two away. If there are more than two-thirds of the time (excluding gaping minimal occupancy cells) the most secure state majority and less than two-thirds (by unitary summation) of the middle-security cells in majority, there exists a Jaxon Modulation coding to place data on the Prisoners by reversing all their directions at once where necessary, to invert the majority into a minority rarer state with more Shannon information. Note that the pseudo-random dice and other quantifying information remains constant in bits.

Dedicated to Kurt Godel … I am number 6. 😀

Winter is Coming!


Things are going real slow on the electronics front due to space constraints of capital. But the good news is that uncertain geometry is a good predictor of 12 fermions. The bosons will have to wait for some fancy 4 velocity put into a relativistic solution of the mass independent free space equation, so as to show how each velocity flow (up, down, electron, neutrino) interacts with mass flowing relative to it. This gives in a real sense the interaction of matter as it sees matter, and the deviation is bosonic.

Couldn’t help the topical title on this post. Weather proofing is moving slow, and is very cash restricted. As with these things almost always, having some cash help to obtain more. It’s a “bad listed” working “class” thing. They’ve got to make their paranoia pay you know.

The good news is the ides keep flowing. The dark matter telescope using atomically timed WC break door open/close sensing for example was such a laugh, and perhaps even app feasible.


TYPE void DEF blep(int port, float value, bool limit) SUB
	//limit line level
	if(limit) value = clip(value);
	//blep fractal process residual buffer and blep summation buffer
	float v = value;
	value = blb[port] - value - bl[((idx) & 15) + 32 * port + 16];//and + residual
	blb[port] = v;//for next delta
	for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
		bl[((i + idx + 1) & 15) + 32 * port] += value * blepFront[i];
	value += bl[((idx) & 15) + 32 * port];//blep
	float r = value - (float)((int16_t)(value * MAXINT)) / (float)MAXINT;//under bits residual
	bl[((idx) & 15) + 32 * port + 16] = value * (blepFront[15] - 1.0);//residual buffer
	bl[((idx + 1) & 15) + 32 * port] += r;//noise shape
	//hard out
	_OUT(port, value - r);//start the blep

Yes an infinite zero crossing BLEP. … Finance and the BLEP reduced noise of micro transactions

Disection of the Roots of the Mass Independent Space Equation

(v^2) v ‘ ‘ ‘ −9v v ‘ v ‘ ‘ 12(v ‘ ^3) (1−v^2/c^2)v ‘ (wv)^2
3 Constants 2 Constants 1 Constant 1 Constant
Square Power Linear Power Cubic Power Square and Quartic Power
3 Root Pairs 2 Roots 1 Root and 1 Root Pair 1 Root Pair and 2 Root Pairs
Energy and Force of Force Momentum, Force and Velocity of Force Cube of Force Force Energy
Potential Inertial Term Kinetic Inertial Term Strong Term Relativistic Force Energy Coupling
Gravity Dark Strong Weak EM

The fact there are 4 connected modes, as it were, imply there are 6 cross overs between modes of action, indicating that one term can be stimulated to convert into another term. The exact equilibrium points can be set as 6 differential equation forms, with some further analysis required of stable phase space bounds, and unstable phases at which to alter the balance to have a particular effect. Installing a constant (or function) of proportionality in each of the following balance equations would in effect allow some translation of one term ‘resonance’ into another.

v v ‘ ‘ ‘=−9 v ‘ v ‘ ‘ 3 Const and 1 root point
(v^2) v ‘ ‘ ‘=12(v ‘ ^3) 3 Const and 6 root points
v ‘ ‘ ‘=(1−v^2/c^2)v ‘ w^2 3 Const and 2 root points
−9v v ‘ ‘=12(v ‘ ^2) 2 Const and 2 root points
−9 v ‘ ‘=(1−v^2/c^2)(w^2) v 2 Const and 2 root points
12(v ‘ ^2)=(1−v^2/c^2)(wv)^2 1 Const and 12 root points

Another interesting point is 3 of the 6 are independent of w (omega mass oscillation frequency), and also by implication relativistic dependence on c.

The 3D Flavour Tensor in Analogue to the 4D of Einstein, for a 3D, 4D Curvature in Particle Physics

I like to keep updated about particle physics and LHC things, to quite an advanced level. My interest is in fields and their previous engineering value in radio waves and electronics in general. It makes sense to move to a tensor algebra in the 2+1 charge space, just as was done for the theory of gravitation. In some sense the conservation of acceleration becomes a conservation of net mapped curvature and it becomes funny via Noether’s Theorem.

CP violation as a horizon delta of radius of curvature from the “t” distance is perhaps relevant phrased as a moment of inertia in the 2+1, and its resultant geometric singular forms. This does create the idea of singular forms in the 2+1 space orbiting (or perhaps more correctly resonating) in tune with singularities in the 3+1 space. This interconnection entanglement, or something similar is perhaps connected to the “weak phase”.

So a 7D total space-time, with differing invariants in the 3D and 4D parts. The interesting thing from my prospective is the prediction of a heavy graviton, and conservation of acceleration. The idea that space itself holds its own shape without graviton interaction, and so conserves acceleration, while the heavy graviton can be a short range force which changes the curvature. The graviton then becomes a mediator of jerk and not acceleration. The graviton, being heavy would also travel slower than light. Gravity waves would then not necessarily need graviton exchange.

Quantization of theories has I think in many ways gone too far. I think the big breaks of the 21st century will be turning quantized bulk statistics into unquantized statistics, with quantization applied to only some aspects of theories. The implication is that dark matter is bent spacetime, without matter being present to emit gravitons. In this sense I predict it is not particulate.

So 7D and a differential phase space coordinate for each D (except time) gives a 13D reality. The following is an interesting equation I arrived at at one point for velocity solutions to uncertainty. I did not incorporate electromagnetism, but it’s interesting in the number of solutions, or superposition of velocity states as it were. The w being constant in the assumption, but purtubative expansion in it may be interesting. The units of the equation are conveniently force. A particle observing another particle would also be moving such, and the non linear summation for the lab rest frame of explanation might be quite interesting.

(v^2) v ‘ ‘ ‘−9v v ‘ v ‘ ‘+12(v ‘ ^3)+(1−v^2/c^2)v ‘ (wv)^2=0

With ‘ representing differential w.r.t. time notation. So v’ is acceleration and v” is the jerk. I think v”’ is called the jounce for those with a mind to learn all the Js. An interesting equation considering the whole concept of uncertain geometry started from an observation that relative mass was kind of an invariant, mass oscillation, although weird with RMS mass and RMS energy conservation, was perhaps a good way of parameterizing an uncertainty “force” proportional to the kinetic energy momentum product. As an addition it was more commutative as a tensor algebra. Some other work I calculated suggests dark energy is conservation of mass times log of normalized velocity, and dark matter could be conserved acceleration with gravity and the graviton operating to not bend space on density, but bend space through a short distance acting heavy graviton. Changes in gravity could thus travel slower than light, and an integral with a partial fourth power fraction could expand into conserved acceleration, energy, momentum and mass information velocity (dark energy) with perhaps another form of Higgs, and an uncertainty boson (spin 1) as well.

So really a 13D geometry. Each velocity state in the above mass independent free space equation above is an indication of a particle of differing mass. A particle count based on solutions. 6 quarks and all. An actual explanation for the three flavours of matter? So assuming an approximate linear superposable solution with 3 constants of integration, this gives 6 parameterized solutions from the first term via 3 constants and the square being rooted, The second tern involves just 2 of the constants for 2 possible offsets, and the third term involves just one of the constants, but 3 roots with two being in complex conjugation. The final term involves just one of the constants, but an approximation to the fourth power for 4 roots, and disappearing when the velocity is the speed of light, and so is likely a rest mass term.

So that would likely be a fermion list. A boson list would be in the boundaries at the discontinuities between those solutions, with the effective mass of the boson controlled by the expected life time between the states, and the state energy mismatch. Also of importance is how the equation translates to 4D, 3D spacetime, and the normalized rotational invariants of EM and other things. Angular momentum is conserved and constant (dimensionless in uncertain geometry),

Assuming the first 3 terms are very small compared to the last term, and v is not the speed of light. There would have to be some imaginary component to velocity, and this imaginary would be one of the degrees of freedom (leading to a total of 26). Is this imaginary velocity consistent with isospin?

Yang–Mills Existence and Mass Gap (Clay Problem)

If mass oscillation is proved to exist, then the mass gap can never be proved to be greater than zero as the mass must pass through zero for oscillation. This does exclude the possibility of complex mass oscillation, but this is just mass shrinkage (no eventual gap in the infinite time limit), or mass growth, and hence no minimum except in the big bang.

The 24 degrees of freedom on the relativistic compacted holographic 3D for the 26D string model, imply with elliptic functions, a 44 fold way. This is a decomposition into 26 sporadic elliptic patterns, and 18 generational spectra patterns. With the differential equation above providing 6*2*(2+1) combinations from the first three terms, and the 3 constants of integration locating in “colour space” through a different orthogonal basis. Would provide 24 apparent solution types, with 12 of them having a complex conjugation relation as a pair for 36. If this is the isospin solution, then the 12 fermionic solutions have all been found. That leaves the 12 bosonic solutions (the ones without a conjugate in the 3rd term generative), with only 5 (or if a photon is special 4) having been found so far. If the bosonic sector includes the dual rooting via the second term for spin polarity, then of the six (with the dual degenerates cancelled), two more are left to be found if light is special in the 4th term.

This would also leave 8 of the 44 way in a non existent capacity. I’d maybe focus on them being gluons, and consider the third still to be found as a second form of Higgs. OK.

Displacement Currents in Colour Space

Maybe an interesting wave induction effect is possible. I’m not sure what the transmitter should be made of. The ABC modulation may make it a bit “alternate” near the field emission. So not caused by bosons in the regular sense, more the “transition bosons” between particle states. The specific transitions between energy states may (although it’s not certain), pull the local ABC field in a resonant or engineered direction. The actual ABC solution of this reality has to have some reasoning for being stable for long enough. This does not imply though that no other ABC solutions act in parallel, or are not obtainable via some engineering means.

Implementation of Digital Audio filters

An interesting experience. The choice of FIR or IIR is the most primary. As the filtering is modelling classic filters, the shorter coefficient varieties of IIR are the best choice for me. The fact of an infinite impulse response is not of concern with a continuous stream of data, and coefficient rounding is not really an issue when using doubles. IIR also has the advantage of an easy Sallen-Key implementation, due to the subtraction and re-adding of the feedback component, with a very simple CR processing.

The most interesting choices are to do with the anti-alias filtering, as the interpolation filter, on up-sampling is an easy choice. As the ear is not really responsive to phase, all the effort should be on the pass band response levels, and a good stop band non response. A Legendre or Butterworth are the candidates. The concept of a characteristic sound enters the design process at this point, as the cascading of SK filter sections is conceptually useful to improve the -6 dB response at cut off. This is a trade off of 20 kHz to 22.05 kHz in the alias pass band, and greater attenuation in the above 22.05 kHz infinite stop desire. The slight greater desire of alias attenuation above pass band maximal flatness (for audio harmony) implies the Legendre filter is better for the purpose than Butterworth.

In the end, the final choice is one of convenience. and a 9th order filter was decided upon, with 4 times oversampling. The use of 4 times oversampling instead of 8 times oversampling increases the alias by an octave reduction. This fact under the assumption of at least a linear reduction in the amplitude of the frequency of the generator of an alias frequency, with frequency increase, just requires a -12 dB extra gain reduction in the alias filter for an effective equivalence to 8 times oversampling (the up to and the reflection back down to 6 + 6). The amount of GHz processing also halves. These facts then become constructive in the design, with the bulk alias close to the cut off, and the minor reflected alias-alias limit, not being too relevant to overall alias inharmonic distortion.

A triple chain of 3 pole Legendre filter sections is the decided design. The approximate -9 dB at the corner, allows for slightly shifting up the cut off and still maintaining a very effective stop band. Code reuse also aids in the I-cache usage for CPU effective use.  A single 3 pole Legendre is the interpolation up sample filter. The roll off for not using Butterworth does cut some high frequency content from the maximally flat, hence the concept of maximally flat, but it out performs a Bessel filter in this regard. It’s not as though a phasor or flanger needs to operate almost perfectly in the alias band.

Perhaps there is improvement to be made in the up sampling filter, by post up sample 88.2 kHz noise shaped injection to eliminate all error at 44.1 kHz. This may have a potential advantage to map the alias noise into the low frequencies, instead of encroaching from the higher frequencies to the lower, and for creating the alias as a reduction in signal to noise, instead of at certain inharmonic peaks. The main issue with this is the 44.1 kHz wave fundamental, seen as the amplitude ring modulation of the injected phase noise, by the 44.1 kHz stepped waveform between samples input. The 88.2 kHz “carrier” and the sidebands are higher in frequency, and of the same amplitude magnitude.

But as this is following for no 44.1 kHz error, the 88.2 kHz and sidebands are the induced noise, the magnitude of which is of the order of 1 octave up from the -3 dB roll at the corner, plus approximately the octave for a 3 pole filter, or about 36 dB cut of a signal 3/4 of the input amplitude. I’d estimate about -37 dB at 88.1 kHz, and -19 dB at 44.1 kHz. Post processing with a 9 pole filter, provides an extra -54 dB on down sampling, for an estimate of around -73 dB or greater on the noise. That would be about 12 bit resolution at 44.1 kHz increasing with frequency. All estimates, likely errors, but in general not a good idea from first principals. Given that the 44.1 kHz content would be very small though post the interpolation filter, -73 dB down from this would be good, although I don’t think achievable in a sensible manor.

Using the last filtered sample in as the reference for the present sample filtered in as a base line, the signal at 22.05 kHz would be smoothed. It would have a notch filter effect, by injecting quantization offset ringing noise at 88.2 kHz to cancel 22.05 kHz. The notch would likely extend down in frequency for maybe -6 dB at about 11 kHz. Perhaps in the end it is just better to subtract the multiplied difference between two up sample filters using different sinc spreading of a 1000 and a 1100 sample occupancy zero inter fill. Subtracting the alternates up conversion delta as it were.

There is potentially also an argument for having a second order section with damping factor near 0.68 and corner 22.05 kHz to achieve some normalisation from sinc up-sampling. This adds in an amount of Q such as to peak the filter cancelling the sinc droop, which would be about 3% at 4 times oversampling.

EDIT: Some of you may have noticed that the required frequencies for stable filtering are too high at 4 times oversampling. So unfortunate for the CPU load an 8 times oversample has to be used. The sinc error is less than 1% at this oversample, but still corrected in a similar way, and a benefit of 2 extra poles. Following this by a 0.1 dB 3 pole Chebyshev high pass which has been inverted, gives a reasonable 5 pole up sampling filter. The down sampling filter for code efficiency is a triple instance of the sample inverse Chebyshev, with the corner frequencies slightly offset to produce more individual zeros, and some spreading of the “ringing”. These 9 poles are enough to get the stop band ripple to be lower than a 16 bit resolution. Odd order inverse Chebyshev are essential for the reflected spectra to be continually decreasing in amplitude.

JDeveloper and Intel Python

The JDeveloper environment looks good. Nice work Oracle, and some of the Borland classic JBuilder. This tool look more like how I’d use an IDE. I’ve been looking at other technologies for computer development, and a recent Intel offering (for personal use free) is the MKL backed Intel Python. It needs at least an SSE4.2 supporting chip, but does have all that is needed to run the development on Xeon Phi Knights Landing. 72 cores and 144 vector processing AVX-512 engines. Multi Tflops stuff. For the developer this is perhaps the easiest way to start HPC, as through Cython and eventually C, the best performance can be had. Maybe FPGAs will help, and tools are available for that too. I’ve seen some good demonstrations, and maybe some clients with complex or hard problems would need this.

All this parallel stuff got me thinking of Kahan sums, and simulation of incompressibles by having a high speed of sound in a compressible, and the doing a compulsory diffusion to damp oscillation, and a pressure impulse (Pa s) handling of inertial failure of containers. It might reduce the non-locality of certain simulations, and actually act to simulate pressure hammer effects.

I’ve also recently got back into the idea of using Free Pascal for some of my projects maybe. There is now good JNI support, and even JVM targeting. I maen it’s very possible to use C for this kind of thing, but the FPC IDE and Lazarus are quick to build, with incremental unit compilation and many other features which make it good competition for general coding. Some would think it old hat, but the ease of use is excellent with much type checking, and no insistence on everything being a class. Units are very modular that way. The support for quite a few Pascal flavours is also good.

Power Systems

genLot of free energy videos about but does it actually work, or is it just virtual vapour wares? Here’s a highly unstable circuit I designed a few years ago. The magnetic balance is so fine, that an external field can throw the circuit into an unstable power spike. Then I went for an inductance modulation of lower scale, using a 3 phase (+++), to 1 phase (++-) arrangement, for greater stability. The difficulty with such devices is not the working, but the switch off without raising volts potential to any unlucky hands. This safety aspect is the ultimate reason of non use, and not as some suppose the disruptive effect on oil and other nuclear markets. Those markets may shrink, but will always be. The chemical industry will always have need of basic oil produce, and the lower short term profits of non burn, actually extend the future profits of chemical building. Transport is minor compared to health. The nuke industry could easily shrink, and still be big. The power waste of removing rods with 90% still effective power is a white wash of the electric power from a military objective. Reactors would be different for pure civil use.

downloadAmazing colours, but what’s it really about? The Pu problem of fast breed, and somehow there will never be less of it, just does not add up for efficient too cheap to meter power promises of not too long ago. There seems to be no real research on gamma cavity down conversion technology. I wonder how long it will be before the nova bomb. The effective slowing of light to lower than the black hole threshold, at Sun core. I think the major challenge is getting super dielectrics far enough into the Sun without melt. I suppose this is some hyperbole focus problem. One day people will understand the simple application of button technology, and the boxes will judge and provide on intent or not. It’s not like they won’t have a self interest.