Pico ZX Spectrum

I’ve started making my own edits of Pico ZX Spectrum as I found it interesting. A bit of preparation work was done. Like adding a custom port and adding save state routines, a new interrupt mode for some logical sense (finally) on the “Speccy”, and a counter register in the sound chip for video sync from the vertical blanking by observation polling for specific count values. The timing is too tight for beam following.

There’s still more to do. I did a video mode enhancement (256*128 in 8 colours), perhaps a new ROM, architecture extensions and some extra Z80 instructions. 

Future Prediction by AI

So given that the future estimation could be trained on data from a delayed assumption state from the past prediction of the present, then what is missing? The missing seems to be based on the time factorization process NP problem and innovation stimulus which would cover things that are unknown within the net as well as time relevance which was not compensated for (the delay has an opportunity to sample lesser pasts for greater present prediction but produces nearer futures without doing Monte Carlo assumptions for a spread).

A subnet could be trained to do the estimations of the best assumption for such a predictive engine, leading to a trainability for an expected spread entropy (a situational requirement of MUST and or ANY as GOOD) given a similarity measure of an output of training to a random network spread RND classifier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4lAlVRwbrc is an interview with an author on an interesting paper about AI exploration. This covers the RND idea in a use case. Training a post RND latent space map to merge lingual or other equivalent factorizations of the novelty could be part of this.

The reevaluation of situational state novelty then can become a post addition of a trained residual based on the expected future estimation and the purpose to which the predicted estimator is to be put. Imagine on a stage pretending or on a real battlefield. The eventual motor actions of production to have for benefit?

Boltzmann-Fermi-Dirac Colour Charges

It’s a long shot but imagine if you will a gluon made of two halves. The halves can each be drawn from the two “weights” (low and high of a non-zero-sum field) if they broke symmetry and the two “charges” like from the zero-sum field.

Given cancellation and combination, 8 gluons happen.

L+L+, L-L-, L+H-, L-H+, L+H+, L-H-, H+H+, H-H-.

So there’s more green weight “sticky” and the Boltzmann distribution for the half Bose-Einstein as a Fermi-Dirac perhaps. The blue colour perhaps travels less far due to higher “mass” (if it splits), but as the energy input in the strong force makes more gluons at a critical threshold, the further interaction has more energy and a less gluey implementation in blue.

I wonder if the QCD simulation evaluations can take this all into account for better accuracy. I put the two yellow “charges” in there which technically would be massed green, but given the charge +/- cancellation without perhaps LH equality would suggest a kind of neutral weight dipole.

EDIT: As the energy increases moving into “small x QCD” the expansion of colour coverage, to prevent saturation by a UV gluon density catastrophe, the critical temperature is exceeded and the “cooper pair” effect on the half bosons is removed and Pauli colour saturation removes the gluon density within the nucleon. Yes, this paragraph is unproven, but there must be some effect stabilising the UV catastrophe. This would also lead to a cyclic order of colour based on mass expression above the critical temperature for some critically small x.

Minecraft Modding

And so I downloaded Forge for 1.18.1 BETA. I’ve got the basic details down, and hope to convert some tutorial module to 1.18.1 and then set about making some extras to try out. ExactFeather396 is the github repo, and it will develop slowly. I seem to have a Microsoft username.

It seems quite a lot is JSON these days, and sometimes the names of methods change a bit. Hopefully this is not too weird to convert and make into something. Some AI mob redstone thing? Who knows?

EDIT 2022-03-01: Ah, so that’s how potions are made! And the RegistryMap class might come in useful later. I’ll have to make some of the classes final and private or default some of the public classes.

Just analyzing the base code at the moment to make it adaptive and have minimal technical debt. I might abstract off some of the names.

Seems the rendering of Mobs is somewhat complex. So I’ll have to have a look see. A basic Zomie clone reskinned seems easiest. I’ve started on an AI exception mechanism. It starts with BaseCodeException which fires the instict emote() when it reaches the base code, which proxies the actionTry() and actionCatch(BaseCodeException) for consequential instinct.

Ah, exceptions and encapsulation within a RuntimeException to avoid the dreaded can’t override method with throws extension, and having type checking and catching.

EDIT 2022-03-09: So it has been simplified a bit and made more complex. I’m making it so that various Loaded classes via extension are invoked via a static and then an instance of self passed to it allows the invoke dynamic override while avoiding lots of casts to super classes.  This may look more complex but it does allow easier pull request merges by keeping things in seperate files to the mini module level.

Added in a simple potion system I’ve yet to test.

VCV Rack V2

VCV Rack version 2 was released in the new year and the SDK has also been released. I’m making KRTPluginA available for it (as an update 2.25.27), as it is a simple edit update and making some better documentation. I’m in the process of doing the simple API 2 migration. The text to write though is more of a complex decision.

When the phrase “one line description” bumps into a review platform wanting better and perhaps longer description with “\n” literal line splitting (as there is no tool tip wraping). Basically it’s just adding in tool tips and slightly better description and riddance of some spelling mistakes.

So thinking of what I can do for “Z” as I’m going to call it. Something related to some interesting maths so it gives me a reason to read a bit more.

QMK Link Time

So having got the new build process working as expected (some python ~/.local cache storage issue), link time optimization provides almost 4 kB for future features. Latest master build this is quite a lot of feature space when considering such a small microcontroller. A nice feature added to the more modern build options.

I should be able to put together a nice Crimbo update with such a gargantuan amount of code memory, and no need to duplicate features the computer should do easily. In some ways the difficulty is making something extra which might get used.

Docs for amperzand is a little experiment in server languages I’m thinking about. Anonymous inner class? Sounds like it might be cool. So there is still about 3 kB left after double striked letters (for drop capitals perhaps). So some 46 macros to define before I have to get a little more creative in what’s available.

And now added automatic South Korean sylibilic combintions.  

QMK Keyboard Again

Latest 2021-11-22 commit goes for an 10 layer design with the language BQN built in and three further planes of Unicode glyphs. This leaves 2296 bytes of firmware left for further adaptions. Seems the lock key option consumes quite a bit and I don’t need it.

Altering the U’ ‘ defines such that a Unicode glyph is copied between the single quotes would add a Unicode character to the design.

The control iconographs for example:

[IAT] = U'⚠', [IA] = U'⟁', [IB] = U'🗚', [IC] = U'🗐',
[ID] = U'🔖', [IE] = U'🔎', [IF] = U'👍', [IG] = U'🔔',
[IH] = U'⌫', [II] = U'⭾', [IJ] = U'⏎', [IK] = U'⭿',
[IL] = U'📇', [IM] = U'✓', [IN] = U'🗋', [IO] = U'🗁',
[IP] = U'🐧', [IQ] = U'📤', [IR] = U'📥', [IS] = U'💾',
[IT] = U'🌱', [IU] = U'👎', [IV] = U'📋', [IW] = U'🔑',
[IX] = U'🗙', [IY] = U'🗜', [IZ] = U'⎌', [ILBR] = U'⎋',
[IBSL] = U'🌍', [IRBR] = U'☣', [ICAR] = U'⚗', [IUND] = U'☢',
Are picked to represent general principals of the control characters in a modern computer environment. Some of them may be difficult to understand at first but for example the last row could be considered ECO/BIO/CHEM/PHYS, on a atomic building.
Deciding on the extra control layer glyphs as they don’t have ASCII slots but are possible to type is a bit more complicated. I’ll give them a bit more thought. 
There’s an interesting VSCode crash 139 development (SEGMENTATION FAULT) just occurred which shouldn’t be happening but is a crash in the rendering process. Obviously some “bad code” in VSCode?
I’ve improved the shift mechanism for some of the extended layers, and filled in the ANSI control code layer to my satisfaction. I’ve finalized the Navigation and Macro layers to final satifaction and added a number lock on the Magenta shift of the Macro Yellow layer.

VCV Rack Again

Now that VCV Rack virtual modular synthesizer has stabalized I tried it out for developing C++ modules to add in to the rack. Haven’t decided on the exact nature of the modules yet (2021-7-14), but it does work for the developer better than the older version. First a full source compile is not required. There still appears to be some issues with control alignment in the module GUI which is auto generated which is easily fixed by adding 28 to the Y coordinate of the control. My advice is leave the control “circles” visible until the actual controls cover where you intend them placed.

KRT Plugin A is the repository. So module A seems to be a filter with some strange DSP and input option for a HPF/LPF ring modulation with a metalic on the corner frequency offsetable from the main Q frequency but with tracking added on independantly. Is this the most fun that can be had with 4-poles? An electronic DSP filter joke. So the test basically works, but some DC on none HPF path, but as HPF is by inverse LPF and DC cancels, there must be some DC injected somewhere. OK, found the obvious error at last. Filter A is finished.

And now polyphonic with SIMD. This makes it about 7 times more efficient. Now has graphics. Developing module μ for calculus purposes, then onto a few other niceties. module μ is finished too. Any errors in the calculus should be reported as this module is about a calculated sound, and errors sounding better are for other modules.

On version 1.2.3 already 😀 as it even took this long to define a suitable versioning number system. At the moment controls are virtually CNC’ed on a grid, and panel graphics are manually kerned (as auto(Tm)ating this is perhaps overkill. v1.3.4 release now include the fat T with some bad disharmony as well as lovely 4th and 5th sync sounds and stuff.

L;D and R are now in planning. And are completed for the 1.6.9 release (2021-07-27). Maybe some speed optimizations and next a more complex module. A nice website is also being made in markdown here as that’s what is expected by default .json tags.

The 1.8.13 release (2021-8-2) includes 8 working modules with the new ones being Ω (a clock distributer with randomness) and V (a VCA triplet). The 1.9.15-rc2 relaease (2021-08-05) includes F a morph filter. Hopefully goes live soon soon when compiled by VCV. The Y gate sequencer is almost ready for 16 channels of triggers.

15 machines up there now (2021-8-19) including some oversampled ones, and some utilities for helping out with problems you didn’t know you had. One minor fix for the F filter will be in the next release, and some slight improvements, plus another 3 modules. 


Project “majar”

majar is a Java package. It is in development. The current focus is on a shell language. Also, abstraction interfaces for things will arrive, and then implementations.

  • KeyBase – a database based on the idea of a “BulkStream” (a Base) supporting a 5th normal form of relational database where internally everything inherited from Key can be stored. Fields are not stored in records, but each field value becomes a record so an object storing kind of database. Imagine a field query, and then obtain records for all tables and databases.
  • Kodek – the KODEK of K Ring naming fame. I’m sure I’ll get around to a KeyBase Store specialising in a Kodek supporting Class.
  • majar (intentionally lower case) – a scripting language with a bash launch script so that majar becomes the language from “ma.jar”, get it? 
  • Abstracting the script language to run web applications.
  • A Java Servlet extension class for easing some of the pain.
  • A port 287 IP proxy for localhost compression to the publication of “My Public Computer” interface. Also an application server for the browser client.

K Ring CODEC Existential Proof

When p=2q. L(0) is not equal L(1).

Find n such that (L(0)/L(1))^(2n+1) defines the number of bias elements for a certain bias exceeding 2:1. This is not the minimal number of bias elements but is a faster computation of a sufficient existential cardinal order. In fact, it’s erroneous. A more useful equation is


Showing an asymmetry on pq for even counts of containment between adding entropic pseudo-randomness. So if the direction is PQ biased detection and subsample control via horizontals and verticals position splitting? The bit quantity of clockwise parity XOR reflection count parity (CWRP) has an interesting binary sequence. Flipping the clockwise parity and the 12/6 o’clock location inverts the state for modulation.

So asymmetric baryogenesis, that process of some bias in antimatter and matter with an apparently identical mirror symmetry with each other. There must be an existential mechanism and in this mechanism a way of digitizing the process and finding the equivalents to matter and antimatter. Some way of utilizing a probabilistic asymmetry along with a time application to the statistic so that apparent opposites can be made to present a difference on some time presence count.

An Open Standard for Large Event COVID Passports?

The POX Algorithm RFC. How to show an auth token when you have privacy but no booking or other door duty. The phone occluded xenomorph algorithm. A complex cypher to protect data at all points in transmission. What really gets shown is an event-specific checksum verify on some encrypted data with can be further queried by a provider (such as the NHS) to obtain validity and scope for event purpose on a statistical check basis to reduce server traffic load and focus on hot areas.

At 2953 bytes of data capacity in a QR barcode (23624 bits) there is enough scope for a double signature and some relevant data in escrow for falsification auditing. The following data layers are relevant with keys in between.

  • Verify credential entry VCE (the blind of public record customs inquiries)
    • validity decrypt key (event private key part) VDK QR
  • Door event transit DET (the over the shoulder mutable) QR
    • event encrypt key (event public key) EEK QR
  • Phone independent ephemeral PIE (the for me check)
  • A public blockchain signed hashed issue SHI (the public record) QR
    • authority signature keys (the body responsible for a trace of falsifications)
    • hashed phone number key (symmetric cypher)
    • record blind key (when combined with the event private key part makes the effective private key. Kept secret from the event)
    • confidentiality key (database to publication network security layer)
  • Actual data record ADR (the medical facts)

Various keys are required but covering the QR codes needed is perhaps better.

  • The manager VDK QR (given to the door manager)
  • The issue SHI QR (given by the provider)
  • The event EEK QR (posted online or outside the event)
  • The entry DET QR (made for the bouncer to scan)

At the point of issue, there may be a required pseudo-event to check that all is working well. The audit provider or provider (such as the NHS) has enough data on a valid VCE to call the user and the event in a conference call. Does the credential holder answer to speak to an echoing bouncer? Does the provider send a text?

Post-Modern Terminal CLI

As is usual; with all things computing, the easy road of bootstrap before security is just an obvious order of things. It then becomes a secondary goal to become the primary input moderation tool such that effective tooling brings benefits while not having to rely on the obscurity of knowledge. For example a nice code signature no execution tool where absolutely no code even becomes partially executed if the security situation indicates otherwise.

A transparent solution is a tool for development which can export a standard script to just run within today’s environment. As that environment evolves within the future it can take on the benefits of the tool, so maybe even to the point of the tool being replaced purely by choice of the user shell, and at a deeper level by a runtime replacing the shell interpreter at the system level.

The basic text edit of a script at some primary point in the development just requires a textual representation, a checksum in the compiled code which is in a different file and a checksum to allow a text override with some security on detecting a change in the text. This then allows possible benefit by a recompile option along with just a temporary use of the textual version. It won’t look that hard in the end with some things just having a security rating of “system local” for a passing observer.

ANSI 60 Keyboards? And Exception to the Rule?

More of an experiment in software completion. Jokes abound.

A keyboard keymap file for an ANSI 60 custom just finished software building. Test to follow given that cashflow prevents buy and building of hardware on the near time scale. Not bad for a day!

A built hex file for a DZ60 on GitHub so you don’t have to build your own with an MD5 checksum of 596beceaa446c1f1b55ee5e0a738f1c8 to verify for duelling the hack complexity. EDIT: version 1.7.2F (Enigma Bool Final Release). Development is complete. Only bug and documentation fixes may be pending. 

It all stems from design and data entry thinking, and small observations like the control keys being on the corners like the thumbs to chest closeness of baby two-finger hackers instead of the alt being close in for the parallel thumbs of the multi-finger secretariat.

The input before the output, the junction of the output to our input. It’s a four-layer main layout with an extra for layers for function shift. Quite a surprising amount can be fit in such a small 60 keyspace.

The system allowing intercepts of events going into the widget yet the focus priority should be picking up the none processed outgoings. Of course, this implies the atom widget should be the input interceptor to reflect the message for outer processing in a context. This implies that only widgets which have no children or administered system critical widgets can processEventInflow while all can processEventOutflow so silly things have less chance of happening in the certain progress of process code.

Perhaps a method signature of super protected such that it has a necessary throws ExistentialException or such. Of course, the fact RuntimeException extends Exception (removing a code compilation constraint) is a flaw of security in that it should only have allowed the adding of a constraint by making (in the code compile protection against an existential) Exception extending RuntimeException.

Then the OS can automatically reflect the event unhandled back up the event outflow queue along with an extra event with a link to the child in, and an exposed list of its child widgets) to outflow. An OrphanCollector can then decide to still show the child widgets or not with the opportunity of newEventInflow. All widgets could also be allowed to newEventOutflowForRebound itself a super protected method with a necessary throws ExistentialException (to prevent injection of events from non administered. widgets).

An ExistentialException can never be caught in user code to remove the throws clause and use of super try requires executive privilege to prevent executive code from being loaded by the ClassLoader. It could run but in a lower protection ring until elevated.

Minecraft Mod Development

Got distracted. It will work out fine as I move backwards and forwards between the this and DSDev. Version 1.16 of Minecraft now has a Forge to make mods. I had an idea and started on a mod. There are a lot of changes since I last dipped a toe in the water. It looks as though it will make many things easier.

After a little track into crafting recipes, simple potion time extensions and extra Redstone blocks, I could move onto more complex potions with new effects or maybe even mobs. Mobs are however less likely than other gameplay elements.

  • Enchantments – nice but seems like a stats and number modification game.
  • Mobs – quite a lot already, but mob AI looks like an interesting thing to improve.
  • Crafting – best with new blocks with uses.
  • Brewing – similar to enchantments but can have player Effects and there is much scope with Think Potion or Mundane Potion expansion.
  • Non Block Items – could have use (Food, Item Frames …) but would have to have utility and not just another thing to be of interest. I’m adding a Written Book for example.
  • Block Items – there are already many, but I find adding to Redstone blocks an interesting one for mechanisation and automation. Maybe new technology is possible? I remember writing a teleport chest a long while ago and now the Ender Chest has some of the same functionality but is better.

Nice after getting used to things like @ObjectHandler and other new things. Still a few assumptions in the documentation such as default loot tables for blocks. 


DSi Homebrew

I decided to start some DSi homebrew as a little fun project. Just looking into it it seems I can do a GL2D screen and a console with a keyboard quite easy. And then a little audio.

With a 128 kB texture, it looks possible to have about 512 (16 * 16) glyphs on the GL2D layer in 256 indexed colours. That should be good enough to start with. I suppose I’ll find out how to use multiple VRAM banks.

At the moment I’m stuck on this SD card not being recognized with various formatting. So I’ll have to get a nice new class 10 original one to check.

Open Code for an obvious game to come. Next to look at some auto animation and some 3D models for import.

So I’ve managed to work out somethings and got the memory pit overflow exploit working. The “unlaunch” installer does not install, and so it’s just keeping with the memory pit exploit whenever I need homebrew access.

There are still things to work out like why the MOD file does not run the next one, although this is more likely related to why the event loop only seemed to go through once. But that’s coding for another day.

So the generic menu is working. I’m still looking into why the switch back and forth between 2 and 3D on the main screen is resetting the image to magenta as it seems such things just set one register. A foreground sound automatic manner, and hooks into a game class seem to be logical next things to do.

This would make a game select something that could be placed in the options for maximizing utility of the 4MB limit. Finding a way of decompressing textures would also seem to free about 100kB, which is a lot in simple game designs.

To maximise sound utility, it might be possible to replace some of the sounds in the .mod files to be used in the game, as this seems to be possible to save on memory. I also must find out how to further reduce the file size of the .wav files.

So it seems I have about 500 kB for game logic and data excluding sound and graphics. I have defined various classes GameLogic (for generation), CTL (for control of the main machine loop), Audio (for triggering audio), BG (for background control) and Font (for 2D font overlays on the main display). This nicely abstracts the machine of all the setup and configuration.

Been doing graphics for a game idea. 8 by 8 is very tiny but fun. I seem to have 11 rows of 32 tiles left. I’m thinking of how to utilize this for best effect. I’m very likely to use genetic algorithms to make the AI effective. I have had some good ideas to abstract this into the enemy design.


I think I might do a Ham radio licence. I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks. It might be fun. I’ve been thinking of experimenting with using DCS squelch codes for data transmission of character streams. It should be possible using the 83 codes available with easy mapping.

023@ 114N 205r+ 306lf 4110 503: 703sp
025A 115O 223r- 311′ 4121 506; 712!
026B 116P 226g+ 315( 4132 516< 723″
031C 125Q 243g- 331) 4233 532= 731£
032D 131R 244b+ 343+ 4314 546> 732$
043E 132S 245b- 346, 4325 565? 734%
047F 134T 251up 351- 4456   743^
051G 143U 261dn 364. 4647   754&
054H 152V 263le 365/ 4658    
065I 155W 265ri 371\ 4669    
071J 156X 271dl        
072K 162Y          
073L 165Z          
074M 172*          



This would be easy to integrate into a multipurpose app to connect on digital modes for a low bandwidth 300 baud signal at 23 bits per character. This would be quite reliable as a means of doing a more modern RTTY. Just leaves ` _ | and ~ in base ASCII to do later, with 20 (11-9) codes “free”. The 2xx and the 6xx lines. This gives the printable 63, and the 20 control characters with no print, along with a special control for inclusion in printing (dl for delete correction) for 83.

So the 2xx codes (non-destructive locators except “delete” the anti-time locator) are colour saturation and direction control with delete (which correction “time” dynamics perhaps in a 6-bit code), and the 6xx codes are where more complex things happen. A basis repetition rate for distance starts and the coding uses this as a basis to transmit on. So a basis of 16 repetitions means each symbol is sent 16 times, for a 1/16 data rate. 612 uses 2^n repetitions based on a log for the number of rp after the symbol to be repeated. 2, 4, 8, 16 … after rp, rprp,rprprp … 662 returns to a maximum basis of repetitions and attempts to reduce to keep the number of 627 messages down.

The basis and the use of 612 might lead to a 662 if the decoder is not in synchronization with respect to the basis of repeats. This basis is ignored on the higher-level code and is just a summation of noise to increase S/N by the symbol repetition.

606 sy – synchronous idle 
612 rp – repetition of x[rp]x or x[rp]x[rp]xx (7)
624 ra – rep acknowledge all reps in RX in TX
627 re – rep acknowledge with err correct as 624
631 ri – rep basis increase request (2*)
632 rd – rep basis decrease request (2/)
654 ok – accept basis repetition count by request
662 un – unsync of repetition error reply (max)
664 cq – followed by callsign and sy termination

This allows for a variable data distance at a constant rate especially if the RX has a sampling of code expectation and averaging over the number of symbol reps. It also synchronizes the start of many DCS codes but would reduce the speed of lock to need the code aligned.

Extended codes could be used to extend the coding to include other things. This is not necessary, and 83 symbols are enough. This is a good start, and extras are fine though. Even precise datarate coding lock would give better performance over DX at high repetition basis.

A modified form of base64 encoding along with digital signatures (El Gamel?) could provide good binary 8-bit transmission, and block reception good certainty. A return of the good signature or the false signature on error makes for a good block retransmit given a simplex window size of 1. In this case, synchronous idle would be a suitable preamble, and the 2xx and 6xx codes would be ignored as part of the base64-esque stream (except 606 for filling in empty places in the blocks of 5 in the base64 code).

AI and HashMap Turing Machines

Considering a remarkable abstract datatype or two is possible, and perhaps closely models the human sequential thought process I wonder today what applications this will have when a suitable execution model ISA and microarchitecture have been defined. The properties of controllable locality of storage and motion, along with read and write along with branch on stimulus and other yet to be discovered machine operations make for a container for a kind of universal Turing machine.

Today is a good day for robot conciousness, although I wonder just how applicable the implementation model is for biological life all the universe over. Here’s a free paper on a condensed few months of abstract thought.

Computative Psychoanalysis

It’s not just about IT, but thrashing through what the mind does, can be made to do, did, it all leverages information and modeling simulation growth for matched or greater ability.

Yes, it could all be made in neural nets, but given the tools available why would you choose to stick with the complexity and lack of density of such a soulution? A reasoning accelerator would be cool for my PC. How is this going to come about without much worktop workshop? If it were just the oil market I could affect, and how did it come to pass that I was introduced to the fall of oil, and for what other consequential thought sets and hence productions I could change.

One might call it wonder and design dress in “accidental” wreckless endangerment. For what should be a simple obvious benefit to the world becomes embroiled in competition to the drive for profit for the control of the “others” making of a non happening which upsets vested interests.

Who’d have thought it from this little cul-de-sac of a planetary system. Not exactly galactic mainline. And the winner is not halting for a live mind.

UAE4ALL2 on Android with Amiga Forever

It works better than uae4arm when you have not much memory internally free as both the system and work drives can be on the SD card. It does involve making an extra System.hdf in a desktop tool and performing a copy <from> to <to> all clone after formatting the system disk as something named other than that e.g. Workbench so the copy works.

The directory for the Work directory can be copied off the Amiga Forever CD (which you own), and placed in the folder <StorageDevice>/Android/data/atua.anddev.uae4all2/files along with the System.hdf as the app only allows one of each and boot from one. It also seems to not allow some combinations, and a bare file system on the Work is better than the otherway round.

If you get the ROMs too from the CD, and place them in there, you get a purple boot screen, for some reason it needs a app emulation restart to use the disks in my configuration. The mouse is horrible, and so a little USB mini keyboard and trackpad combo is essential. You kind of have to have a bit of font imagination until you set the screen mode (which also needs a shutdown and restart).

QtAp Release v0.1.13

GitHub Pages

It’s not great, but quite a nice experience with undo/redo, and Git integration. I even added the translation engine as part of the release, but have done no actual translations. It’s a better app initially as it includes some features that will consume time to add to the example notepad app.

Also in the background there is quite a bit which has been done which is ready as soon as the app develops, such as the interception of the action bar such that right click can show hide which sections are visible, and this is saved as part of the restored geometry.

0.1.13 QtAp Releases and Development

The getting of the greying out of menus and the action buttons depending on state was a nice challenge to learn the signal slot methods Qt uses. The tray is automatically generated too depending on the calls to the addMenu function, and the setting of flags to indicate state response routing.

I’m likely to even build a JavaScript host in there for the user and add in some extras for it, as this seems the most obvious way of scripting in the browser era. There is also possibilities to build new views by QML and so allow some advanced design work under the hood, while maintaining a hybrid approach to code implementation.

I cheated quite a lot by having a dependency on Git and so SSH. I’m not sure I even need the socket interface as long as I do some proxy code in JS to move data to and from C/C++.

Moving on to adding features to the interface, and a command menu which has selections based on the current active view. This could be done by buttons, but actions are better as they have a better shortcut method, and easier automatic accesibility tool interfacing.

The icon set likely needs a bit of a spruce up, and matching with some sensible default. Maybe adding in the cancelation of a bash sequence so that anti-commands can be supplied in a list, and run if it makes sense to reverse. Maybe later, later.

EDIT: The overriding of a class when it is attached to a GUI is slightly complex. I found the easiest way (not necessarily the most efficient as it depends on how the autogenerated setupUi function saves memory when not executed. The super class needs a simple bool stopUi = false with the extending subclass just passing this second parameter as true and putting an if(!stopUi) execution guard before the super class ui->setupUi(this) call in the constructor.

This allows QObject(parent) to be replaced by superClass(parent) to inherit all the “interface”. There maybe other ways using polymorphism, but none as easy.

AI as a Service

The product development starts soon, from the initials done over the last few weeks. An AI which has the aim of being more performant per unit cost. This is to be done by adding in “special functional units” optimized for effects that are better done by these instead of a pure neural network.

So apart from mildly funny AaaS selling jokes, this is a serious project initiative. The initial tests when available will compare the resources used to achieve a level of functional equivalence. In this regard, I am not expecting superlative leaps forward, although this would be nice, but gains in the general trend to AI for specific tasks to start.

By extending the already available sources (quite a few) with flexible licences, the building of easy to use AI with some modifications and perhaps extensions to open standards such as ONNX, and onto maybe VHDL FPGA and maybe ASIC.

Simon Jackson, Director.

Pat. Pending: GB1905300.8, GB1905339.6

Statistics and Damn Lies

I was wondering over the statistics problem I call the ABC problem. Say you have 3 walls in a circular path, of different heights, and between them are points marked A, B and C. If in any ‘turn’ the ‘climber’ attempts to scale the wall in the current clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. The chances of success are proportional to the wall height. If the climber fails to get over a wall, they reverse direction. A simple thing, but what are the chances of the climber will be found facing clockwise just before scaling or not a wall? Is it close to 0.5 as the problem is not symmetric?

More interestingly the climber will be in a very real sense captured more often in the cell with the highest pair of walls. If the cell with the lowest pair of walls is just considered as consumption of time, then what is the ratio of the containment time over the total time not in the least inescapable wall cell?

So the binomial distribution of the elimination of the ’emptiest’ when repeating this pattern as an array with co-prime ‘dice’ (if all occupancy has to be in either of the most secure cells in each ‘ring nick’), the rate depends on the number of ring nicks. The considered security majority state is the state (selected from the two most secure cell states) which more of the ring nicks are in, given none are in the least secure state of the three states.

For the ring nick array to be majority most secure more than two thirds the time is another binomial or two away. If there are more than two-thirds of the time (excluding gaping minimal occupancy cells) the most secure state majority and less than two-thirds (by unitary summation) of the middle-security cells in majority, there exists a Jaxon Modulation coding to place data on the Prisoners by reversing all their directions at once where necessary, to invert the majority into a minority rarer state with more Shannon information. Note that the pseudo-random dice and other quantifying information remains constant in bits.

Dedicated to Kurt Godel … I am number 6. 😀

Some Free Pascal Hobby Stuff

Free Pascal is a very good Turbo Pascal clone free on many systems. This includes the AROS system, which is getting better each release. It is Amiga source compatible, and as the C dev environment is up, but no IDE on AROS, the FPC IDE works a treat, and with restrictions allows cross development of source for AROS, Windows, Mac, Linux and quite a few other targets.

7/11/2018 – There is just the start of an outline. I have abstracted out some of the CLI parameter management to make it easy to make a multi-purpose CLI tool to start. This I am calling CliFly and could be expanded with simple procedures and filling out the table of recognized verbs.

9/11/2018 – There is now a fully compiling set of management words and a framework to build in some new words with more useful active utility. The ones already there could be considered foundation words, supporting the search, help and test structure. A module can be easily added by making a unit which uses “GenericProcess” for dealing with exit and getting parameters. I will extend the foundation units to supply what I find useful, such as the “CS” function idiom for string compare truth. “getParse(errName)” is also there to get parameters, and print an error from a labelled routine name if no parameters are left.

13/11/2018 – I’m thinking of making a chunk based file format for the project. Based on PNG to start, and then expand from there.

17/11/2018 – Unit U437 is for “character code pages” to Unicode translations. It will likely end up being a synthetic terminal of sorts. It does provide some format conversion functions, and so is likely to get a verb or two.

20/11/2018 – I did my own error recovering Unicode translation in the end, as the exceptions do not point to the location of the errors in the buffers. For mangled recovered files, this maybe important. There is also transparent conversion on oversized codepoints to the error character “skull and cross bones” for all my Unicode processing needs. Apart from a few render wrappers, the next thing is data compression and indexing, and of course getting down to some file wrappers.

26/11/2018 – So added a Unicode UTF8 to UGSI, so I can then design a 512 character charset, and a processing methodology for say diacritical marks. Also exceptions, file classes and the basics of the internationalization of the help text has been put together. The next thing is to put the GenericProcess unit in line with using these. As soon as that’s done, then it’s on to ADTs.

Winter is Coming!


Things are going real slow on the electronics front due to space constraints of capital. But the good news is that uncertain geometry is a good predictor of 12 fermions. The bosons will have to wait for some fancy 4 velocity put into a relativistic solution of the mass independent free space equation, so as to show how each velocity flow (up, down, electron, neutrino) interacts with mass flowing relative to it. This gives in a real sense the interaction of matter as it sees matter, and the deviation is bosonic.

Couldn’t help the topical title on this post. Weather proofing is moving slow, and is very cash restricted. As with these things almost always, having some cash help to obtain more. It’s a “bad listed” working “class” thing. They’ve got to make their paranoia pay you know.

The good news is the ides keep flowing. The dark matter telescope using atomically timed WC break door open/close sensing for example was such a laugh, and perhaps even app feasible.

Arduino Fiddling

So I’ve decided on some Arduino soldering over the next few days. Fitting a fiddly SOIC F-RAM and some other components to a prototype shield. It should be fun. Then I have to fit some more code into the 32KB, and then work out a test bed and a box. I’m sure I saw a MIDI device code for the ATMega which does the USB handling. This could be useful later, but I think it does destroy the ability to connect direct with a terminal console.

The F-RAM adds 64KB of slower but fast enough memory to the Arduino, so that more complex projects can be assembled on this prototype. A display is also planned as is some analog pots and a button. Should be fun.

Xilinx and Audio

So after the download of Vivado I can start on the musical project. A Arduino for IO, (good libraries), and a FPGA for the synth internals. It could be argued that an Arduino is not needed, but it would be fast for UI development, and super easy to interface with the LCD, pots and RFID reader.

The massive IO on the FPGA can then be used for later expansion, and the ADCs (high speed ones), can be used for audio in mixing. The Arduino ADCs are good at pots, and not really audio. In this way the Arduino becomes the LFO and controller/sequencer.

With serial UART talk between them, there is maybe enough Arduino pins to control the contrast and back light in software. An FRAM I2C 32kB for the Arduino can store local programming or UI translations. This leaves the FPGA flash for musical use without multiplexing it.