Future Prediction by AI

So given that the future estimation could be trained on data from a delayed assumption state from the past prediction of the present, then what is missing? The missing seems to be based on the time factorization process NP problem and innovation stimulus which would cover things that are unknown within the net as well as time relevance which was not compensated for (the delay has an opportunity to sample lesser pasts for greater present prediction but produces nearer futures without doing Monte Carlo assumptions for a spread).

A subnet could be trained to do the estimations of the best assumption for such a predictive engine, leading to a trainability for an expected spread entropy (a situational requirement of MUST and or ANY as GOOD) given a similarity measure of an output of training to a random network spread RND classifier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4lAlVRwbrc is an interview with an author on an interesting paper about AI exploration. This covers the RND idea in a use case. Training a post RND latent space map to merge lingual or other equivalent factorizations of the novelty could be part of this.

The reevaluation of situational state novelty then can become a post addition of a trained residual based on the expected future estimation and the purpose to which the predicted estimator is to be put. Imagine on a stage pretending or on a real battlefield. The eventual motor actions of production to have for benefit?

QMK Keyboard Again

Latest 2021-11-22 commit goes for an 10 layer design with the language BQN built in and three further planes of Unicode glyphs. This leaves 2296 bytes of firmware left for further adaptions. Seems the lock key option consumes quite a bit and I don’t need it.

Altering the U’ ‘ defines such that a Unicode glyph is copied between the single quotes would add a Unicode character to the design.

The control iconographs for example:

[IAT] = U'⚠', [IA] = U'⟁', [IB] = U'🗚', [IC] = U'🗐',
[ID] = U'🔖', [IE] = U'🔎', [IF] = U'👍', [IG] = U'🔔',
[IH] = U'⌫', [II] = U'⭾', [IJ] = U'⏎', [IK] = U'⭿',
[IL] = U'📇', [IM] = U'✓', [IN] = U'🗋', [IO] = U'🗁',
[IP] = U'🐧', [IQ] = U'📤', [IR] = U'📥', [IS] = U'💾',
[IT] = U'🌱', [IU] = U'👎', [IV] = U'📋', [IW] = U'🔑',
[IX] = U'🗙', [IY] = U'🗜', [IZ] = U'⎌', [ILBR] = U'⎋',
[IBSL] = U'🌍', [IRBR] = U'☣', [ICAR] = U'⚗', [IUND] = U'☢',
Are picked to represent general principals of the control characters in a modern computer environment. Some of them may be difficult to understand at first but for example the last row could be considered ECO/BIO/CHEM/PHYS, on a atomic building.
Deciding on the extra control layer glyphs as they don’t have ASCII slots but are possible to type is a bit more complicated. I’ll give them a bit more thought. 
There’s an interesting VSCode crash 139 development (SEGMENTATION FAULT) just occurred which shouldn’t be happening but is a crash in the rendering process. Obviously some “bad code” in VSCode?
I’ve improved the shift mechanism for some of the extended layers, and filled in the ANSI control code layer to my satisfaction. I’ve finalized the Navigation and Macro layers to final satifaction and added a number lock on the Magenta shift of the Macro Yellow layer.

Post-Modern Terminal CLI

As is usual; with all things computing, the easy road of bootstrap before security is just an obvious order of things. It then becomes a secondary goal to become the primary input moderation tool such that effective tooling brings benefits while not having to rely on the obscurity of knowledge. For example a nice code signature no execution tool where absolutely no code even becomes partially executed if the security situation indicates otherwise.

A transparent solution is a tool for development which can export a standard script to just run within today’s environment. As that environment evolves within the future it can take on the benefits of the tool, so maybe even to the point of the tool being replaced purely by choice of the user shell, and at a deeper level by a runtime replacing the shell interpreter at the system level.

The basic text edit of a script at some primary point in the development just requires a textual representation, a checksum in the compiled code which is in a different file and a checksum to allow a text override with some security on detecting a change in the text. This then allows possible benefit by a recompile option along with just a temporary use of the textual version. It won’t look that hard in the end with some things just having a security rating of “system local” for a passing observer.

ANSI 60 Keyboards? And Exception to the Rule?

More of an experiment in software completion. Jokes abound.

A keyboard keymap file for an ANSI 60 custom just finished software building. Test to follow given that cashflow prevents buy and building of hardware on the near time scale. Not bad for a day!

A built hex file for a DZ60 on GitHub so you don’t have to build your own with an MD5 checksum of 596beceaa446c1f1b55ee5e0a738f1c8 to verify for duelling the hack complexity. EDIT: version 1.7.2F (Enigma Bool Final Release). Development is complete. Only bug and documentation fixes may be pending. 

It all stems from design and data entry thinking, and small observations like the control keys being on the corners like the thumbs to chest closeness of baby two-finger hackers instead of the alt being close in for the parallel thumbs of the multi-finger secretariat.

The input before the output, the junction of the output to our input. It’s a four-layer main layout with an extra for layers for function shift. Quite a surprising amount can be fit in such a small 60 keyspace.

The system allowing intercepts of events going into the widget yet the focus priority should be picking up the none processed outgoings. Of course, this implies the atom widget should be the input interceptor to reflect the message for outer processing in a context. This implies that only widgets which have no children or administered system critical widgets can processEventInflow while all can processEventOutflow so silly things have less chance of happening in the certain progress of process code.

Perhaps a method signature of super protected such that it has a necessary throws ExistentialException or such. Of course, the fact RuntimeException extends Exception (removing a code compilation constraint) is a flaw of security in that it should only have allowed the adding of a constraint by making (in the code compile protection against an existential) Exception extending RuntimeException.

Then the OS can automatically reflect the event unhandled back up the event outflow queue along with an extra event with a link to the child in, and an exposed list of its child widgets) to outflow. An OrphanCollector can then decide to still show the child widgets or not with the opportunity of newEventInflow. All widgets could also be allowed to newEventOutflowForRebound itself a super protected method with a necessary throws ExistentialException (to prevent injection of events from non administered. widgets).

An ExistentialException can never be caught in user code to remove the throws clause and use of super try requires executive privilege to prevent executive code from being loaded by the ClassLoader. It could run but in a lower protection ring until elevated.

VS Code and Elm

I’ve been looking into doing JS trans-compiled languages recently. The usual suspects popped up. ClosureScript, Elm, TypeScript, and maybe a few others. This had the unexpected effect of needing the VS Code software as some of the plugins do not yet work with VS Community. I opened up some TypeScript I had wrote recently, and found the way “require” is used for loading is not recognised in VS Code. Strange, and it might cause problems with passing on code to others.

I looked into Elm which is a Haskell for JS. It looks quite good, and I’ve downloaded the kit. I’ll let you know if I start using it big. Closure is Scheme or LISP almost. It seems to have little editor support compared to Elm, and I’d prefer to use Elm over Closure. I already have some libraries downloaded for functional extensions to JS, and some .d.ts descriptors too for some. The main reason I’ve never used Haskell is the large GHC binary size. The idea of using JS as the VM is good. It does however dump about 6000 lines of JS code for a hello world. I haven’t tested if this is per module. I understand Elm can do very fast HTML rendering though, so something to look into.

There’s also Haxe of course, and plenty of plain vanilla JS functional programming modules, including some like RQ, for threading control. Some nice Monad libraries, and good browser support. I also like the TinyMCE. It’s quite a classic. For the toolkit, Bootstrap.js is the current best with all the needed features of a modern looking site.

Beware much ado about category theory, and things like the continuation monad can do all sequential processing … of course from the context of writing it in a sequential language … blah, blah, stored state, pretend there’s none, blah, blah, monad, blah, delay output by wrapper, blah. Ok, well it is true I’m 46, but you young coders out there should take some of the symbology with quite a big pinch of salt, and maybe have a more interesting look at things like the Y combinator. It’s kind of what Mathematica would call Hold[] but with more monad blah for what is really group theory.