The New Year

Now if only I could find out how to spend this Clubcard voucher I could have a belated New Year’s out off office, on my own special company bash. Seems both previous attempts have ended in “Not this product range”, and “It’s been used” and other fabulous excuses from the gobshites. I did get a I don’t know, and call a “busy” helpline as they also seem to be a fan of draining mobile batteries so you can’t use the Clubcard feature in the app when your phone goes off.

Alcatel Longer Term

So it does do the WiFi network “sign in”, but not always (with no listed error), and took an obsurd “got to do a spy search” amount of time to agree to format the recycled SD card. … Google picture uploads will be charging from 1st June. Coincidence or ET finger plug?

Author: Jacko

Technical. Well is mass information conservation the reason for dark energy via uncertain geometry and photon exchange? Is dark matter conservation of acceleration with a gradient field heavy graviton? Does the KODEK work yet?