QMK Link Time

So having got the new build process working as expected (some python ~/.local cache storage issue), link time optimization provides almost 4 kB for future features. Latest master build this is quite a lot of feature space when considering such a small microcontroller. A nice feature added to the more modern build options.

I should be able to put together a nice Crimbo update with such a gargantuan amount of code memory, and no need to duplicate features the computer should do easily. In some ways the difficulty is making something extra which might get used.

Docs for amperzand is a little experiment in server languages I’m thinking about. Anonymous inner class? Sounds like it might be cool. So there is still about 3 kB left after double striked letters (for drop capitals perhaps). So some 46 macros to define before I have to get a little more creative in what’s available.

And now added automatic South Korean sylibilic combintions.  

Author: Jacko

Technical. Well is mass information conservation the reason for dark energy via uncertain geometry and photon exchange? Is dark matter conservation of acceleration with a gradient field heavy graviton? Does the KODEK work yet?