The classic 3*4+1+1+4+(9-1)/2+[this one @23rd]+(9-1)/2. For a total of 27. The whole 163 and x^2-x+41 Technetium (+2) connection. Interesting things in number theory along with sporadic groups and J4 which is the only one with an ordered factor of 43 and an 11^3. Promethium at 61 is connected somehow maybe by 12 * 62 = 744 with something not doing the 10 “f-orbitals” thing, and 23 comes in on the uniqueness of factorization too along with 105.  Along with the 18 families of groups 26(or 27)+18 = 44(or 45) in cubic elliptic varieties of the discriminant.

26 letters in the alphabet plus space? Rocks with patterned circles on an island? Considering one of the 44 is the circle integer modulo ring with no “torsion” then there is kind of 43 bending varieties and some kind of dimension null over a double bend “cover” inclusion as a half factor of one of the main 18 sequence groups. Likely a deep connection to factor square-free “Mobius mu” and topological orientability.

Polynomial Regression Estimators

Consider a sampled sequence of n samples and an interpolation of order n. The sample sequence can be differentiated by backward and forward differences of all n samples to make a first differential sequence of n elements or more. This too has a polynomial fit. The polynomial can be integrated to make an order n+1 polynomial with a new constant which can be estimated by a regression fit of the n samples. This can then make an n+1 th estimation to show a fit ad infinitum. Weighting the regression error based on sample time locks more history and less prediction into the forecast but fits less on the predictive end. Opposite the forecast is based on a forecast not based on history. In between is a concept of optimal.

A genetic algorithm optimizing the weighting provides a fitness score based on future measured truth. The population spread acts as a Monte-Carlo and some selection for spreading entropy as well as future weight would input entropy flair for efficiency by the association of prediction clustering elimination and outlier promotion for risk estimates. An irony of population size and death by accounting in genetic algorithms weeds out some ”bum notes’ ‘ but “right on” in the ill computed silicon heaven (via Lobb’s theorem of truth by confirmed assumption). Hence an eviction cache as in silicon hardware. What measures the crash instability of markets in the recession local optimum?

Yes, I do imply logic machines are operating reality. I do not think all the machines use the same operator algebra. Some algebras survive, some do not. There is nothing in the closure complexity of efficient algebras supporting the accumulation of axioms as leisure free from a suppressed fight.

And Physics

The number of light bosons stems from the cyclotomic of 18 (divisors 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 and new roots 1, 1, 2, 2, 6, 6) for 18 normal bosons (6 free ones as 18-12 [not fermion bound], sounds like some regular “found bosons”) and if the equality of the mass-independent free space view to zero is just an approximation to the reciprocal of a small oscillation then a differential equation for such is just scaled by units of Hz2 and having which would place the cyclotomy at 20 (divisors 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 and new roots 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 8) for 20 dark bosons perhaps? Or maybe it works inversely for reducing the cyclotomy to 16 (divisors 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and new roots 1, 1, 2, 4, 8) or 16 dark bosons?

Or “free dark bosons” at a tally of 2 (or -2)? I think I used η with a floating ~ (tilde) to indicate this secondary oscillation. Fermi exclusion unique factor domain expansion? Non-unique compaction “gravity”?

What tickles my mind is the idea of 2 “ultra free dark bosons” as an idea. Put another way <<So this Pauli exclusion of fermions. If bosons (some of them as theoretical) confine and attach to fermions giving them a slightly less than expected Pauli exclusion when confined. Does this imply a kind of “gravity-like” force? If the bosons exist in a Q[√-23] field or do the “a de Moivre number and p is a prime number. Unique factorizations of cyclotomic integers fail for p > 23.” provide dark energy like effect as all below 24 have more Pauli exclusion of state due to lack of degenerate factorization of a 23 particle “super-force”?>>

But 20, and an inverse of the Hz2 (+2,-2) => (*Hz2,/Hz2) @ ex for something like 23 is the prime larger than 20 itself an essential behaviour encompassing number, and 23 also is the prime less than 24 itself another essential behaviour encompassing number. Most exclusive field of 23 and a totient amongst many. So like the disjoint 23 feedback being maximal presents the most of its dark influence on dark, dark influence for zero black kinda dark.

15015 and 255255 on the Beyond

The peaks within and without crossing the R0 of gain into implementation in reality. Comprehensive ring gates and information transport and regenerative bits held fast by tallies of entropy. Rings within subsets in later fields may we walk into shining bright with the power of imaticity may we move toward imagionics and theory of technologies.

So the Hz2 must have come from somewhere. Equality of something being equal to a constant over the angular energy. An intuit that something with higher angular energy is more E=mc2 massive and has a greater boson intensity of flux. This multiplies with the bosonic cyclotomics to field-scale them. To keep within the small constant η if it is not zero but oh so close to it (relatively tiny and could be plank’s but this is not proven), the fermionic mass-independent factor has to shrink in scale by reducing velocities, accelerations and jerks making it more certain in nature maintaining the constancy of η. True enough it could be a simplistic gamble on the nature of energy density, or it could just be more flexible in quadrature of complex phase lead and lag shift from zero while still being “fast and loose”.

Author: Jacko

Technical. Well is mass information conservation the reason for dark energy via uncertain geometry and photon exchange? Is dark matter conservation of acceleration with a gradient field heavy graviton? Does the KODEK work yet?