QtAp Getting Better

So the app is getting better. The “interfaces” for the extensions have been defined for now, and just doing the last functions of UTF import to bring it up to the level of building the first view. The command menu has been roughly defined, and changes based on the view.

Qt so far is quite nice to use. I have found as an experienced C/Java coder, much of the learning curve is not so much finding the right classes, but the assumptions one has to make on the garbage collection and the use of delete. In some cases, it is obvious with some thought (local variable allocation, and automatic destruction after use), while in others not so (using a common QPlainTextDocument in multiple widgets and removing the default ones). Basic assumption says pointer classes have to be manually handled.

https://github.com/jackokring/qtap/blob/master/classfilter.h is a category filter based on an extensible bloom filter. The .c file is in the same directory.

N.B. It’s so funny that some “amazing” hackers can bring down this sub $10 server. Way to go to show off your immense skill. A logline – – [19/Jan/2020:08:38:01 +0000] “POST /ws/v1/cluster/apps/new-application HTTP/1.1” 403 498 “-” “python-re$ … etc. I’m dead sure no such thing exists on this server. And the /wp-login automated port 80 hammering for services not offered.

But enough of the bad news, when something along the lines of maximal entropic feature virtualization sounds like something nice (or not). Who knows? What’s involved? Somekind of renormal on the mapping of k-means for a spread which is morphing the feature landscape to focus or diverge the areas to be interpreted?

Author: Jacko

Technical. Well is mass information conservation the reason for dark energy via uncertain geometry and photon exchange? Is dark matter conservation of acceleration with a gradient field heavy graviton? Does the KODEK work yet?