The product development starts soon, from the initials done over the last few weeks. An AI which has the aim of being more performant per unit cost. This is to be done by adding in “special functional units” optimized for effects that are better done by these instead of a pure neural network.
So apart from mildly funny AaaS selling jokes, this is a serious project initiative. The initial tests when available will compare the resources used to achieve a level of functional equivalence. In this regard, I am not expecting superlative leaps forward, although this would be nice, but gains in the general trend to AI for specific tasks to start.
By extending the already available sources (quite a few) with flexible licences, the building of easy to use AI with some modifications and perhaps extensions to open standards such as ONNX, and onto maybe VHDL FPGA and maybe ASIC.
Simon Jackson, Director.
Pat. Pending: GB1905300.8, GB1905339.6