TYPE void DEF blep(int port, float value, bool limit) SUB
	//limit line level
	if(limit) value = clip(value);
	//blep fractal process residual buffer and blep summation buffer
	float v = value;
	value = blb[port] - value - bl[((idx) & 15) + 32 * port + 16];//and + residual
	blb[port] = v;//for next delta
	for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
		bl[((i + idx + 1) & 15) + 32 * port] += value * blepFront[i];
	value += bl[((idx) & 15) + 32 * port];//blep
	float r = value - (float)((int16_t)(value * MAXINT)) / (float)MAXINT;//under bits residual
	bl[((idx) & 15) + 32 * port + 16] = value * (blepFront[15] - 1.0);//residual buffer
	bl[((idx + 1) & 15) + 32 * port] += r;//noise shape
	//hard out
	_OUT(port, value - r);//start the blep

Yes an infinite zero crossing BLEP. … Finance and the BLEP reduced noise of micro transactions

Author: Jacko

Technical. Well is mass information conservation the reason for dark energy via uncertain geometry and photon exchange? Is dark matter conservation of acceleration with a gradient field heavy graviton? Does the KODEK work yet?