Disection of the Roots of the Mass Independent Space Equation

(v^2) v ‘ ‘ ‘ −9v v ‘ v ‘ ‘ 12(v ‘ ^3) (1−v^2/c^2)v ‘ (wv)^2
3 Constants 2 Constants 1 Constant 1 Constant
Square Power Linear Power Cubic Power Square and Quartic Power
3 Root Pairs 2 Roots 1 Root and 1 Root Pair 1 Root Pair and 2 Root Pairs
Energy and Force of Force Momentum, Force and Velocity of Force Cube of Force Force Energy
Potential Inertial Term Kinetic Inertial Term Strong Term Relativistic Force Energy Coupling
Gravity Dark Strong Weak EM

The fact there are 4 connected modes, as it were, imply there are 6 cross overs between modes of action, indicating that one term can be stimulated to convert into another term. The exact equilibrium points can be set as 6 differential equation forms, with some further analysis required of stable phase space bounds, and unstable phases at which to alter the balance to have a particular effect. Installing a constant (or function) of proportionality in each of the following balance equations would in effect allow some translation of one term ‘resonance’ into another.

v v ‘ ‘ ‘=−9 v ‘ v ‘ ‘ 3 Const and 1 root point
(v^2) v ‘ ‘ ‘=12(v ‘ ^3) 3 Const and 6 root points
v ‘ ‘ ‘=(1−v^2/c^2)v ‘ w^2 3 Const and 2 root points
−9v v ‘ ‘=12(v ‘ ^2) 2 Const and 2 root points
−9 v ‘ ‘=(1−v^2/c^2)(w^2) v 2 Const and 2 root points
12(v ‘ ^2)=(1−v^2/c^2)(wv)^2 1 Const and 12 root points

Another interesting point is 3 of the 6 are independent of w (omega mass oscillation frequency), and also by implication relativistic dependence on c.

Author: Jacko

Technical. Well is mass information conservation the reason for dark energy via uncertain geometry and photon exchange? Is dark matter conservation of acceleration with a gradient field heavy graviton? Does the KODEK work yet?